Like a Daughter

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(Elphaba's POV)

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(Elphaba's POV)

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the early morning rays of the sun just starting to shine through the window. Smiling I sit up and stretch before getting out of bed. It's going to be a beautiful day!

Making my way over to the wardrobe I pick out a simple black skirt,  white short-sleeve blouse, and a pair of sandals. After placing my hair in a braid I make my way downstairs to the dining room.

"Good morning Highmuster." I say smiling as I take my seat.

"Good morning, Elphaba, and how are you this fine morning?" He says looking up from the newspaper he was reading and smiles.

"Very well, thank you. How are you?" I serve myself some fresh fruit and toast.

"I'm also doing well." He says setting the newspaper aside. "So tell me aside from meeting with Cook what do you have planned for today?"

"I am not sure. I figured I would just sort of see what happens." I smile. "You know, see what the day brings. If it's a nice day perhaps I'll go for a walk or maybe try and ride a horse. You know I haven't ridden one before."

"Really? Never?" Highmuster looks surprised and a bit shocked.

"Nope. Never." I cackle a little.

"I can tell you one thing for sure. You had better learn. Glinda loves riding, and is really good at it." He says a hint of pride in his voice.

"I noticed. She has been a few times." I take a sip of coffee. "She has tried to ask me to ride with her, but stopped asking after the third time I told her I don't know."

"I'm surprised she didn't teach you."

"So am I, but I figured I can try to learn. It will be a few days before they return, and I figured it would be a nice surprise for her if I started to learn." I shrug.

"Well, I can tell you that Jake is the best teacher when it comes to riding, and I'm sure he would be happy to teach you."

"I am hoping he will " I laugh and we continue our breakfast in relative silence. As we finished up one of the quintuplets enters.  "Excuse me, Master Upland. Miss Thropp. I'm sorry to interrupt, but Cook asked me to inform you, Miss Thropp, that she wishes to have you meet her in her room in the servants quarters as soon as you are through with breakfast."  She says looking between the two of us.

"Thank you Cassidy." Highmuster says giving her nod. "I for one am finished. I have some work to attend to." He says rising from his seat.

I stand as well. "Thank you, Cassidy. Would you please inform Cook I will be there shortly."

"Yes, Ma'am." She says giving a quick curtsy before she leaves the room. "I suppose I should find out what it is Cook wants to see me about, but first I am going to ask Jake if he would mind reaching me to ride."

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