28. Alabasta

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Chopper then told you guys to get into the sled. You all then rode down to where the ship was. When you reached there was an explosion, sounded like canons being fired. Then the sky lit up in pink. It was so beautiful it wasn't like anything you had ever seen. There were cherry blossoms in winter. 

Chopper was in literal tears. Whatever this is must mean a lot to him. You crouched down to his level. "C'mon chopper we need to go." You held his little hand all the way to the ship. Karoo was found in the lake all frozen. "Ah Karoo what were you doing in the lake with this weather." 
Karoo began squawking and Chopper translated. " I was worried about the swordsman so I went after him." "Wow Chopper apart from being a doctor you can also talk to animals." Nami said

"Doctor!" You were all shocked. "Yeah what did you think he was here for." Nami queried. 
"Emergency food." Sanji had no shame saying that.
"Cool reindeer with 7 transformations." Luffy stated.
"I thought he was here to add cute points, but he's also strong and helpful." You picked Chopper up. "I'm not cute you jerk∼" He seemed to be happy though.

"That's right I left all my medical stuff." Chopper was no stressing over his things being gone. "What do you mean  they're right here they were in the sled." Nami held up a tiny bag. It looks like the old lady had packed his stuff for him. 

A few days later

"Now we can head to Alabasta without trouble." Nami said as she looked at the map. "alabasta?" Yeah Chopper needed to be brought up to speed with what was happening and everything. Vivi also added information about the whole structure adding in the Billions and Millions. 

There were all adding up to two thousand as the math had previously suggested and they were all skilled but skilled was relative since Vivi said they were this might be difficult. We had no info on what type of devil fruit Crocodile had so this was basically free styling saving a country. 

The next day there was no breakfast and Sanji was currently scolding Luffy who was awful at lying but there were probably other culprits as well. You saw Usopp and Chopper quickly swallowing some food and here they were, acting like they were fishing. Sanji caught on and hit the two who were fake fishing on  their heads. They then used Karoo to try and get prey but Vivi also hit them on their heads and didn't approve of him being used that way. There was some weird mint green steam ahead. "Nami is it okay to go into that?" Sanji was skeptical and so were you it just didn't look right. "It's okay there are many volcanoes in the water and there is probably one under there." Sailing in the air was difficult to breathe in it reeked of sulphur. When you left the smoky place there seemed to be something caught onto the fishing hook.

It was a man with makeup and a ballerina outfit. "I clung onto the random duck I saw and now I'm here." He said his ship would come pick him up. He introduced himself as Bonclay. He then said he had some really cool powers and then he hit Luffy you were ready to fight this guy. Adira materialized before you. This was way easier than pulling it out of god knows where all the time. The guy then touched his face and he had copied everything from Luffy down to his voice. 

He then did the same with Zoro, Usopp, Chopper and Nami . He changed into  all of them and even showed some people from his 'memory' Vivi flinched at one of them we weren't ready for whatever conversation would come after this guy left. You were watching the entirety of the interaction and he said he could copy bodies too changed into Nami and showed his chest. Nami didn't appreciate that and hit him hard on the head. A ship then approached and it had a swan at the front. 

"Bye for now but we will always be friends forever." The departure was a bit too dramatic but he seemed nice. "Welcome back Mr 2 Bon clay-sama ." You quickly grabbed Luffy placing your hand over his mouth before he did anything dumb. You waved off the guy you learned was your enemy. After that Vivi said that she had seen her father in that memory thing. "It's good we've seen the enemy's abilities early it allows us to take precautions." Zoro stated. The clone-clone fruit how dangerous. With power like that building distrust was child's play. You all got tattoos to identify one another. A large cat appeared from the water and everyone was so hungry but the seacat was sacred to the Alabasta people apparently. "This shows that we are near Alabasta." Vivi stated. "And so do those." Zoro pointed out to sea. There were baroque works ships behind you guys it was the Billions, already gathering here, but following them wasn't the best choice now. Staying discreet for as long as possible was best. 

You guys had finally reached Alabasta and Mr. 3's ship was also there implying he had survived. Both encounters could only buy so much time until they knew you guys were here and the princess was alive and well. Luffy ran into the town looking for food. Usopp got you guys under a tarp to hide your identities while Chopper and Sanji walked away freely. You neared some rocks and got out from under the cloth. There some rocks and that became base camp for the time being while Sanji and Chopper went to get supplies. "So how do you plan to stop this war?" Zoro directed his question to Vivi. I'm glad somebody finally asked there was no point in coming here without knowing what to do. " I'm going to talk to the leader of the revolutionary army." You sat down and decided to sleep. There was no way talking could end a war but maybe she knew the guy personally so it might work. The rebels were stationed in Yuba.

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