Part 2: No Good Deed

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TW: Some graphic depictions of death.

Sam and Colby stood silent as they looked down the torchlit hallways of Hell. They were surrounded by several paths and had absolutely no clue which way was the right way.

" Which way do we go?" asked Sam.

" Whichever way is out," answered Colby.

" Is there a way out?" asked Sam.

" There has to be another portal open somewhere," said Colby. " We just need to find it."

Colby began to make his way straight down the hallway in front of them.

Sam stood still. " Colby, you shouldn't have come down here," he said.

Colby suddenly stopped and turned back towards Sam. "Out of all the crazies and paranormal entities we've faced over the years," started Colby, " the last one I'm leaving you alone with is Lucifer."

" He has got you right where he needs you now," said Sam. " I don't know if I can protect you here, Colby. This isn't some haunted hotel, or some haunted ship, or some creepy forest or cave, this is Hell. This is way different than anything we've ever faced."

" Hey, hey," said Colby, putting a hand on Sam's shoulder. " It's like you said, as long as we're together, he can't touch me."

" That was on earth," said Sam. " This is Hell. If something happens to you..."

" You said we're in this together," said Colby. " That's what you said to me, and I made you a promise. We're gonna get through this, together, you and me, just like every other time. No matter what."

" No matter what," repeated Sam.

" Stay close," said Colby.

"Always," said Sam.

Both of them discreetly made their way down the many hallways of Hell, looking for anything that may look like a portal. They hadn't had much luck, and even if they did find one, what guarantee did they have that it would be open, and if it was locked, how would they open it? Colby turned a corner but instantly stepped back to hide, taking Sam with him. He turned to Sam, gesturing to him to be quiet. Colby carefully peeked around the corner and saw a man in a suit. He looked like a normal man, but Colby couldn't see his face. He was slim, and had short brown hair, looked to be about mid thirties, but even Colby knew that there's always a chance that these things are in disguise.

"What is it?" whispered Sam.

" Not sure," said Colby. " I think it's a demon, either way, we need to take him out. Let's split up. You go around this side and I'll take the other. Then we pounce together."

" That's your plan," said Sam. " Pounce on the demon?"

"What choice do we have?" asked Colby. " He's blocking the way we need to go and also, I've still got the demon knife that Dean gave me. If you can distract him, I'll do the rest."

"Okay, be careful," said Sam.

" You too," said Colby.

Both of them made their way around and got into position. Colby brandished his knife. Sam looked over at Colby as he used his fingers to countdown from 3. Sam nodded to him and they ran towards the man.

Sam and Colby charged at him, but then suddenly they were both frozen, their bodies stiff as they were lifted into the air. They were suspended and unable to move. That's when they realized that this wasn't a demon. This guy was much more powerful.

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