The Countdown

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Sam was aching all over. When The Winchesters had said he'd still be able to feel pain, he hadn't really thought about that until this very moment. Sam laid on his side, sprawled out on the floor of the cell as best as he could with his hands secured with chains in front of him as Sierra brought the crowbar down on him again. He screamed as he felt the crack of his ribs. His shortness of breath had come long ago. He knew for a fact that if he could still bleed, he would be drained with the cuts and bruises he had received. The bullet wound in his leg wasn't helping either. Sam was beaten out of his thoughts when the crowbar came down again. Sierra was breathing heavily as she threw the crowbar onto the table full of other blunt instruments. She looked down at the broken blond on the floor in front of her and laughed.

" You brought this on yourself Golbach," said Sierra. " It was supposed to be Colby in your position but you just couldn't let that happen could you?"

Sam weakly turned his head to look at her as he coughed. The bile and vomit compiling in his mouth.

"Fuck you!" said Sam.

Sierra kicked him in the stomach and then in the face. Sam groaned in pain and coughed as he laid there, twitching and shaking.

" Good riddance," said Sierra, as she stepped out of the cell, shutting it loud behind her.

She met Naomi outside the cell and the other woman looked at her curiously.

" You've been in there for hours," said Naomi.

"I want to hurt him, Naomi," said Sierra. " I want to hurt him so bad. He took everything from me."

Naomi knew she wasn't talking about Sam.

" I want him broken," said Sierra. " And I know just how to do it. Is everything ready?"

" Yes, I took care of it," said Naomi.

" Good, now the real fun begins," said Sierra.

Colby sat on the train in tears. It was his fault. He was the reason Sam had been taken. He was being careless when he had let that cop see them and now Sierra had Sam. Colby needed to go back. He made sure to get off at the next stop and quickly made his way back to Seattle. From there, he managed to take the same route back to Los Angeles. If only he had been this careful on the way, Sam would still be with him. Colby was scared when he couldn't feel Sam, nor sense where he was at. Sierra had somehow severed the connection and that scared him.

It was until the next day that Colby had reached the Area51 facility in Los Angeles. He had been expecting to see the place crawling with guards, but there was no one. It looked empty. Almost abandoned. Colby didn't trust it. He carefully stepped through the gates into the courtyard of the facility, waiting for an ambush, but nothing came. Something on the ground then caught his attention. The blood spot that was currently stained into the dirt on the ground, surrounded by bullet shells.

Thoughts of the terrible memory filled Colby's head. Colby saw something sparkling on the ground near the blood. It was a silver ring, with a wavy design that kind of looked like an X. It reminded Colby of the XPLR X. Colby knew it was Big Js, he had seen him wear it a couple of times. It must have slipped off during the altercation. Colby picked it up and slipped it on his finger, closing his hand around it. He shut his eyes tightly and then quickly walked across the courtyard to the main door. It wasn't locked. Now Colby was even more on guard. This was playing out all too easily. The place was deserted. Colby had torn the place apart, searched it up and down to look for any sign of his best friend, but he couldn't find him. He couldn't find anything or anyone. Everyone had cleared out long ago. Colby had one more spot to check, the cell where they had kept Sam. Colby swung open the cell door and felt defeated when he didn't see anyone. However, he had seen something that wasn't there before. Colby couldn't quite make it out but as he got closer he saw that it was a photo of him and Sam.

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