Under Pressure

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Colby had been at a meeting with a fellow YouTuber named Dexter and the rest of his ghost hunting group. Sam was supposed to come but he had got held up at a meeting with their team about a location for their next video. Sam told Colby it was fine if he went to meet about the collab without him, and that he would finish the meeting and catch up later. He sat across from Dexter at the table as he spoke.

" So, anyway, I was thinking this collab could be awesome," explained Dexter. " This place I found is super haunted, we've gotten a lot of activity there before."

" It all looks good to me," said Colby. " What dates did you have in mind?"

" I was thinking, late April, early May," explained Dexter. " Whichever is best for you."

" Actually, neither of those work," said Colby. " Sam and I will be traveling at that time. We won't even be in America."

" Ok, no problem," said Dexter. " You can just move your travel dates."

" Uh, no we can't just move the dates," said Colby. " Everything has already been planned."

" Well, we need to figure something out," said Dexter. " I need this collab."

Colby looked up at this guy. He knew this feeling all too well. The feeling of being used. Colby stood up and Dexter stood with him.

" I'm really sorry, but I don't think this is gonna work," said Colby. He then turned to leave as Dexter spoke.

" I really think you should do this collab," said Dexter. " It'll be really good, for all of us."

" Not interested," said Colby. He kept making his way towards the exit of Dexter's house.

" I told you he would say No," explained one of Dexter's friends.

" He'll come around," said Dexter. " You just have to apply a little pressure."

" What does that mean?" asked his friend.

" It means, maybe I'll need to convince him another way," said Dexter.

" How?" asked Dexter's friend.

" I'll use Sam, obviously," said Dexter, cracking his knuckles.

Colby stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned to look at Dexter, who was still standing behind the table.

Dexter saw the look in Colby's eyes. " Colby, I'm kidding bro, it's a joke," said Dexter. " I would never."

Colby marched over to Dexter and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, slamming him against the wall.

" What was that?!" asked Colby, threateningly.

"N- Nothing," stuttered Dexter.

" No, say it again," said Colby.

Dexter gulped and said nothing as Colby stared him down.

" That's what I thought," said Colby.

He then roughly let Dexter go. Dexter took a huge breath of relief. All of his friends parted a way for Colby as he marched out of their house, slamming the door behind him.Colby stepped into their Vegas home and saw Sam there. His best friend smiled at him.

"Hey, how did it go?" asked Sam.

" Okay," said Colby. " But unfortunately it's not gonna work out."

" Oh, that's too bad," said Sam.

" Yeah," said Colby. " It's a real tragedy." 

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