Chapter One

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Hi Guys, before we start i just want to inform y'all that this is going to be a daily update,And I'll appreciate it if you guys drop some comments because your comments are always part of motivation to upload more.
So let's go for the long ride and enjoy 'The Smiths' 😊


A black car moves in front, as if shielding the sleek white one behind it, whilst another black car slowly trails behind the white one. 'Jada' by Paloma Ford fills the air conditioned space of the white car, one of its occupants clearing his throat before speaking.

“I think you should prepare yourself. The boss is waiting for you at home.” Charles, the personal assistant and guard to Smith's middle child, Byron, dressed in a tailored blue suit, speaks from where he was seated next to the driver, head tilted slightly so his voice was directed to the person in the back seat.

Charles had worked with the family and the man behind him for a little over ten years now, so the curses that spewed out of his lips at the very unwelcome information was expected.

“Fuck!” Bryon curses again, shutting his eyes. “I figured he’d be at his office or something.” he says with a dissatisfied groan.

Byron, standing at 180 centimeters, was a bodybuilder, donning two piercings in each ear, tattoos littered around his body with the most prominent one being the one that took up the space on his back, extending to the back of his neck, giving him the ultimate bad boy look.

Despite looking like the textbook definition of the boys your mother tells you to stay away from and sometimes acting the part, seeing as he's known as the troublemaker out of the Smith's for causing chaos wherever he goes, -much to his father's displeasure-, Byron was also known for his outgoing personality and how active and cheerful he almost always is. But Byron, unlike his siblings, grew up in the United States, away from parental control, and that served as an explanation for his behaviors - at least according to Mr Smith.

He was not only physically attractive, but soft at heart. Although his physique and appearance would appear intimidating to anyone at first, the people who had been able to get closer are quick to describe how in contrast to that his real personality was. Byron would be fast to kick against being seen as 'soft' though, choosing to describe himself as 'just a guy wanting to be free'.

He also prides himself in his ability to 'pull' anyone. Having mastered the art of charming all the ladies and never being turned down by one. Because of his lifestyle, which involved a lot of partying and spending, he was easily the most popular of the Smith brothers.

“I’m not going to meet him. I’ll just go in through the back door and sneak into my room,” Byron voices the idea he'd come up with during the few seconds of silence, pulling a pack of gum from his pocket and popping one into his mouth regardless.

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to do that. He's instructed me to bring you in personally. He will be waiting for you,” Charles immediately counters, tone and expression flat.

“But I don’t want to talk to that old man." The other man all but whines, "He would not let me go in right away and you know that too. Besides, I reek of sex and alcohol at the moment and all I really want to do is take an unreasonably long shower, not listen to Pops go on about how disapproving of my lifestyle he is" he tries, keeping his eyes trained on the man who still looked unfazed at his turmoil.

"Okay, how about this, I'll just hurry up to my room and be right with him after taking a quick shower"

“I’m afraid you can't do any of that right now. I'd advise you to meet with the boss first and sort the important things out" Charles, ever the professional, replies calmly.

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