Chapter Forty-eight

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The couple quite literally jumps apart, alarmed by the loud call of Midas' name. Midas, who had immediately turned around to meet the wide eyes of his brother, immediately pales.

Byron looks at Cameron who had just yelled out the younger's name, scandalized, then his eyes immediately flits around their surroundings, almost sighing in relief when he found there to be a scarce number of CCTV cameras around the garden, and none facing where Midas and Micheal were stood.

Cameron immediately starts in their direction, scarily blank faced and Byron hurries after him. By the time they stood in front of the couple, Midas was already at the point of hyperventilating and Micheal just glares pointedly at his feet, not raising his head or saying a word as a thick silence falls upon them.

When the bodyguard finally looks up, his expression was resolute but he still stuttered as he started, "I, well..... The thing is-"

“I can explain!” Midas suddenly cuts in, seemingly having gotten a burst of confidence as he suddenly rushes to stand in front of Micheal, arms spread like he was shielding the man from his own brothers. Cameron raises a surprised brow and Byron actually scoffs at the action.

"What's that? You're protecting him from us?" Byron asks, face lighting up in amusement. Midas frowns, stance still rigid.

“Midas, I think you should go inside for now,” Cameron speaks up this time, tone softer than his loud call of Midas' name earlier.

This finally seemed to throw Midas off as he almost shrinks into himself, eyes uncertain, "W-why?" He questions.

"Why? You're really asking us 'why' right now?"

"Byron, relax." Cameron calls again, turning to give his brother a look that had Byron frowning even deeper.

"What. I am relaxed right now! I'm not holding a pocket knife or a broken bottle yet am I?" Midas looked horrified at that, face dropping but then he was squaring up again even though he did look a little downcast.

"I can't leave. I don't know what you're going to do to him." He replies. Byron gives him a ludicrous look again, eyes shining with mirth.

"What is he.... Your boyfriend? And what do you think we're going to do, murder him in cold blood?" Midas almost shudders at that but he retains his rigid posture, glaring at his brother.

When no words are exchanged again, Micheal places a hand on Midas' shoulder, the younger turns to look at him, "You should go inside. It's okay." He says, Midas' eyes grows incredibly soft, he looked like he was about to cry.

"Are you sure you'll be okay. They're very unpredictable." Midas whispers like his brothers weren't right in front of them at the moment. Cameron and Byron share a look before looking back at the couple. They couldn't find a proper reaction to the scene unfolding right in front of their eyes.

Micheal nods, he even gives Midas a smile and the younger bites his lower lip, still skeptical as his hands fall back to his side. His lips downturn into a sad frown and he looks between his brothers and Micheal before begining to walk away without saying another word.

The men all watch him leave and he was finally out of earshot, Byron snaps back into his confused, overstimulated state as he exclaims loudly, "Okay, what the actual fuck? What the hell was that about! Who was that and where is Midas!"

Cameron sighs, trying to remain the levelheaded one in the situation, "Byron, lets all just calm down."

"How can I calm down!" He cries out before giving Cameron a confused look, "How are YOU so calm, didn't we just see the same thing!" Then he goes back to glaring at Micheal, "You!" He points threateningly, "You better start talking, when did this happen! Where and just how, oh my God!" His expression suddenly pales, "You were both on that trip together unsupervised! Y..... You didn't touch him yet, did you?" His expression suddenly falls when Micheal's lips grow even thinner as he purses them.

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