Chapter Sixty three

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Cameron opened his eyes the next morning and decided that was now his favorite view to wake up to everyday from now. The sight of a peacefully still asleep Iris greeting him as her head laid delicately on his bicep, long natural lashes fanning over her cheeks as he let his eyes take in every detail of her small, pretty face, eyes now falling on her apple shaped lips now in a pout as half of her face was smooshed into his arm. He couldn't help himself when he cautiously leaned in and placed a tiny kiss on them, Iris still fast asleep, only reaction being the tiny scrunch of her face due to the movement.

He let out a small laugh at her antics, gentle smile plastered on his face as he continued to admire the one he has the honor of calling his until the shrill sound of his ringtone pulled him out of his daydream as it seemed to disturb her sleep, causing her to stir. He quickly reached for the small annoying device with the sole purpose of silencing it, muting the ringtone before turning his attention back to her.

After a few seconds of the screen still lit, obviously still showing the tell-tale signs of continuos incoming calls, he finally brought it to his face, Mr Jack's ID immediately greeting him as he groaned and swiped the green button, bringing it to his ear.

"Good morning Mr Jack" He rasped into the device.

"Morning! You didn't come home last night....... but I got your text." The older man's voice came from the other end.

"Okay, good" he replied, ignoring the first half of the sentence. "How's Dad? Did he ask about me?''

"Of course he did and I told him that you are passing the night at the hotel, he was taking it quite well until he learnt Byron wasn't coming home last night too, he was forced to raise his voic-"

"Wait! Byron wasn't home last night?" He cut in.

"Yeah! Just like you" The older man replied, tone light.

"Well at least, I had a valid reason" He immediately defended.

"Likewise him" Mr Jack teased some more, earning a loud scoff from the person on the other end.

"Anyways, I don't think you'll be chanced to be at the office today, seeing as it's almost noon and you're not here, but you need to be at the mansion later tonight.......It's important"

"Is it Dad?" He inquired knowingly.

"Yes, he has some news for us and he wants everyone at the table tonight"

Cameron nodded, forgetting the other could not see him as he wondered what this was about before finally letting out ; "Sure, I'll be home tonight."

"Alright" Mr Jack curtly replied before the line went dead.

"Morning" The soft voice came from next to him as he jolted out of his thoughts.

"Hey, was i being noisy? I woke you up, didn't I? m'sorry" He muttered, tone small and apologetic as he took in her features that are now pulled into a gentle smile.

"Oh, I've been up for a while" she giggled

"Really? So you were aware that I stole a morning kiss?" He grinned, getting a shy smile in response.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm, but I still feel tired and a bit sore" She says with a pout, now stretching out her arms.

"Aw, I guess that's on me, I really did go as gentle as i could last night" he mumbled, brows furrowed as he reached for her hands.

"Well yeah, but it was still my first." She pouted.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry....i swear i'll be gentler next time" he replied in a whisper, teasing smile on his face.

"Do you wanna stay in bed for the day?" He enquired, now massaging her knuckles, her small hands now sitting in his.

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