Chapter Four

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"Even before he was exposed to the cold, he'd experienced a panic attack " The doctor explains, now sat in the smaller living room, also occupied by Mr. Smith, Mrs. Grace, and Mr. Frederick.

"It was the overstimulation, in addition to his existing condition that led to him experiencing a difficulty in breathing which lead to him loosing consciousness. There's no cause for alarm, I gave him some medication so he'll be fine. I'll also be back tomorrow to see how he's doing," The doctor finishes, rising from his seat as did Ma'am Grace and Mr Fredrick.

"Thank you so much, Doctor," Ma'am Grace says with a relieved smile as Mr Fredrick escorts the doctor out.

Mr. Smith remained sat in his chair with a faraway look in his eyes and the woman turns to him, the concern was still evident in his face and stiff posture.

"I know you're worried about him," she starts, taking a step closer, "but like the doctor said, he'll be fine." she assures, even giving a smile for good measure but the older Smith sighs deeply.

"I'm not gonna lie, I thought it'd be easier for me when they get older but if anything, it's filling me with an extreme sense of dread as they're beginning to get out of hand. I can't even begin to dissect just how lost and panicked I felt when I heard they'd lost him. I made a promise to their mother, you know?" He pauses, a cloud of regret coming over his face, "I thought I'd broken that promise at that moment. I never want to lose any of my sons..... Ever"

Mrs Grace almost feels a smile come over her features at the raw confession. Although he had an unusual way of showing it sometimes, the elder had always had a soft spot for his sons, "Everything is going to be fine," she reassures calmly, watching as he sinks into his chair.

Cameron's tongue pokes at his inner cheek in annoyance as he scrolls through the article on his iPad. It was trending, Midas' face was all over the news. The one he was reading at the moment was a headline, 'Smith heir caught in an LGBT gathering"

His eyes were transfixed on the comments right now, brows pinched together as he browses through them.

'OMG! This would mean that he is either gay or bisexual! ICB' -what does that even mean-.

'Never expected any of them would be gay, let alone hang out at an LGBT club,'

'Tbh, this one has always given that vibe'

'Can we all just agree that he's pretty attractive? I wouldn't mind having him on my bed and making him mine,'

His face twists in disgust at that particular comment, "Go fuck your mother, uncouth bastard" he mutters angrily.

In the middle of this, Jack walks into the office, paying no mind to the mood in the room that wasn't exactly out of place and drops a file on his desk, "The car is ready," he simply informs.

"I heard Midas woke up?" he immediately shoots and the older nods.

"Yes. He's awake, and he's feeling much better," Jack replies and notices as Cameron scowls at something on the iPad again.

He scrolls on the device for a few more minutes before carelessly throwing it unto the table and getting on his feet. Mr. Jack immediately hurries after him as they head out of the office.


Midas was still lying in bed, pale skinned and eyes still heavy. He'd been scrolling through his phone, feeling even more miserly with his face on almost every part of the news but he quickly disregards the device, forcing himself to sit up before warily lifting his head to meet the eyes of the new presence in his room. It turned out to be his father, with Mrs Grace standing a good distance behind him.

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