Chapter Twenty-seven

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Iris wakes up with a content smile and big stretch, relishing in the sounds her bones make as crack into place, until.

"OH MY GOD, THE FLIGHT!" she exclaims, she pulls at her hair in frustration and hurriedly rolls out of bed, but when her feet meets the cold tiled floor, she pauses, "Wait a minute, it's a night flight!" She says, sighing in relief as she sits back on the bed and finds her bearings just staring into nothingness.

She holds unto her head as she gets up and makes her way to the bathroom after a while. On getting there, she turns on the faucet and splashes some water on her face. She sighs, slowly raising her head to find an image of herself on the mirror, ugh her makeup from the night before was all over the place, she thinks as another image flashes in her mind. It was one of her throwing her head back and drinking the wine from the night before. Then another one flashes, one of the boss dragging her out of the restaurant and her eyes widens, almost to the size of saucers.

Another memory comes when she shakes her head to rid it of the image, it was the boss, pulling her shoes off, and then another one, it was one of her, arms wrapped around the Boss' neck with him hunched over and pushing herself off the bed to deliver a peck on his lips.

Iris gasps, scandalized as she takes several steps back from the mirror but decides against that when her head throbs, she leans against the sink again.

"Oh my god" she whispers, realization dawning over her, "Oh my God, Iris, you are insane! What were you thinking!" She cries out, fisting at her hair, she runs out of the bathroom, her legs moving as fast as they could, then grabbed her coat that was still on the bed. She remembers the boss throwing it there, 'right before you freaking kissed him, stupid!' she scolds herself again. She throws it on and then fishes her phone out of the handbag before rushing out of her room.

When she arrived at the door to the Boss' room, she pauses, taking a deep drag of air before ringing the doorbell.

"It's open" she hears him call from inside and Iris goes to push the door open but pauses as she couldn't bring herself to, more memories from the night before flooding in. She bounces nervously on her feet, muttering curse after curse at herself.

“Miss Iris?”

Mr. Jack, who had emerged from his room after receiving a call from Cameron, asking if he was the one at the door, finds Iris with her fingers still wrapped around the doorknob, unmoving in front of the boss' room.

“Did you.....ring the doorbell?” He asks, confusion laced in his words.

“Um, yes,” she answers truthfully.

"Well, why aren't you going in? He just called to ask if I was at the door so I decided to come check" the older man explains gently, Iris bites down on her lower lip.

“May I ask you a question, sir?” she blurts and Mr Jack nods.

"Did he..... The boss, was he like, looking upset or mad when he came back to his room yesterday?"

Mr Jack tilts his head, a little confused at the question, "I believe he looked like he would on a normal day. Why do you ask? Did you do something wrong?”

“Yes, I did,” she admits regretfully.

Mr Jack smiles warmly at that, "And what might that be?"

Iris opens her mouth but then shuts it right after, shaking her head, "I think I'm just going to keep it to myself, Sir."

The amusement is evident in the older mans face as he sighs, "Well, I don't think he was upset at anything, but since you're already here why not just go in and confirm it" he says before reaching forward and pushing the door open.

Iris looks between the open door and the smiling Mr Jack. Summoning every inch of courage she could muster, she finally walks in.

Now left alone, Mr Jack chuckles and shakes his head in amusement as he shuts the door before returning to his room.


Cameron was seated next to the window, cup of coffee in one hand and his phone in the other. Iris forces her feet to move until she stands in front of him, not saying a word.

On noticing her presence, the boss drops the mug in his hand and relaxes back into the sofa, his legs were already crossed and he folds his hands over them, staring back at Iris in silence, who does nothing but shift on her feet as she fidgets with her fingers.

"Do you have something to say to me, Miss Iris?" He asks, she freezes in place, finally raising her head to look at him, "if you're here about the flight, I do remember telling you yesterday that it's at night, so you don't have to worry about missing it"

"No, I'm aware of that Sir, I- I'm here because I wanted to apologize Sir, I'm sorry" she finishes silently, looking like a scolded child.

"And what exactly is it you're sorry about?" He asks, bemused. Iris swallows back a whine.

"You know what, Sir. Last night, I was out of place and I apologize" she mumbles, gaze returning to the floor.

After a few seconds of silence, shifting was heard and the boss was on his feet, taking slow, unhurried steps towards Iris who freezes in place.

"I wouldn't say I wasn't a little worried that you wouldn't remember what you got up to last night, but I am relieved that you do. Now, with that out of the way, you might wanna....." His expression gives nothing away gestures all over his own face with a finger and Iris is even more willing for the ground to swallow her when she realizes she had ran out of the room with no regard for her smudged lipstick and mascara.

The boss strolls out of the room with his hands in his pockets after that, leaving Iris to stand dumbly in the middle of the room and regret all of her life choices.


"Please take care of yourselves over there," Mr. Fredrick said to Michael over the phone.

In the first class section of the plane, Ava sits on one of the chairs on the opposite side of Midas, who was sat next to Micheal. A girl had come with them too and she sits next to the older woman.

Michael was dressed in black pants, a blue T-shirt, and black sneakers, he mutters a curt reply to the older man at the other side before dropping the call at the same time Midas, who had gone to the restroom returns.

He was dressed in an oversized white Shirt and black shorts that ended just below his knees. He had those signature white socks on too and some cyan colored sneakers, with his headset around his neck.

He took his seat next to Michael, picking up his iPod, and as he was fastening his seat belt, another call for Michael comes in. On the screen, the ID 'Buddy 2' flashes back at him. Roland was calling.

Midas gives Michael a quick glance before returning his attention to the seat belt. On the second ring, Michael answered the phone.

“Yeah! Okay dude. Sure, I’ll call you when we touchdown. Mhm, say hello to the other goofball" he even laughs before he ends the calls.

Midas is pleasantly surprised, so he asks, "Your friend?"

Micheal hums, "One of the two that were over at the mansion the other day" he explains and Midas lets out a sound of understanding.

"I'm going to take a nap" he tells Michael, already getting comfortably in the chair that could pull out to almost form a bed. Micheal nods and Midas nods back, bringing his headset over his ears.

Michael looks over to see what Ava and her girl were up to, and when he sees them conversing in hushed whispers, he takes out his air pods and plugs them into his ears before looking outside the window, as he was the one sitting next to it.

The copilot made an announcement shortly after, and everyone prepared for takeoff.

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