Chapter Twenty-five

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Cameron and Mr. Jack waits in front of the hotel for the last of the trio. The CEO, not very used to waiting, checks his watch once again, Cameron looked very expensive in a blue three piece suit. His black shoes matched with the sunglasses he was wearing and Mr Jack quietly stands next to him dressed in a wine colored suit, a change from his usual black ones and Cameron even compliments that, causing the other man to smile in appreciation.

Finally, Iris walks out, the sound of her heeled shoes drawing the men's attention first and Cameron feels his eyes grow wider as he scans her outfit.

She was dressed in a pastel brown body hugging skirt, a white turtleneck tucked neatly into it. Her black overcoat that stops just below her knee, compliments the similarly colored hand held bag and she was wearing one of those shoes with clear glasses for heels -Cameron wasn't sure what they were called but he thought they looked good.

On catching sight of them, she smiles, her hand goes up, fingers gently brushing back her hair that pulled into a styled bun. 'And was that lipstick she was wearing?'

Cameron quickly realized his secretary wasn't one to casually wear makeup, seeing as she usually didn't do it back at the office. He frowns, wondering why that was and why she would rather wear it in a foreign country.

Mr Jack nudges him slightly when she was only a few steps away from them, "You're staring, Sir" he says behind what sounds like a snicker and Cameron glares at him before turning back around to face Iris who now stands before him.

He claps his hands once and announces, "Alright, let's get going." After which he ducks into the back seat of the car parked behind them. Mr Jack wordlessly takes the passenger side next to the driver, leaving Iris to round the car and take the seat opposite Cameron in the back.


They take their seats in the conference room, around a table that looked like it could contain twenty people but they all sit on one side, awaiting their prospective partners.

Soon, two well dressed men saunter in, on sighting them, the trio stands up so they exchanged greetings in form of handshakes while on their feet. Iris hangs back, only supplying a formal smile while Mr Jack and Cameron exchange handshakes with the men.

They all take their seats soon after, at which point Iris gets to work, sorting out the papers and presenting them in front of the men around the table. As she stretches the proposal to his side of the table, one of the men's lips raises in one corner as his eyes rakes over her body. Cameron catches that, brows knitting but he pushes it away as his own mind playing tricks and returns his attention back to the table when Mr Jack starts to speak.

Iris is mostly silent but she sits at the table on the boss' right side, listening intently. When her eyes finally wanders, due to the fact that she felt the eyes on her, she easily finds one of the business men looking. She doesn't read anything to it, even returns a smile of her own but it quickly sours when he eyes her up and down then proceeds to lick his lips.

Her features twists in disgust and she springs out of her seat, feeling immensely uncomfortable under his gaze. This draws attention and she burns under Cameron's eyes that looks at her in question. She bows, "I'm sorry, I think I need to use the restroom" she quickly says, not waiting on another word before walking away from the table in hurried steps.

Cameron, who had been so immersed in the business talk that he was no longer paying attention to the man from before, notices once again how his eyes follows her out of the room, that quirk of his lips still evident. His fingers ball into fists under the table.

Suddenly, this man abruptly rises from his seat, "I'll be right back. I think I forgot something in the car" he supplies and fixes his tie, not even sparing a glance at his own business partner as he makes his way out.

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