Chapter Fifty three

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"What's going on?" Byron, who took his sweet time to get to the dinning hall, questioned his already seated brothers.

Midas replied with a shrug.

"No idea yet, he just asked to see us". Cameron said.

Before Bryon could ask more questions that nobody clearly had the answers to, Mr Smith arrived at the dining hall and was immediately seated at the head chair.

Soon after Dinner was served, the boys kept exchanging looks, waiting for their Father to let on what he had to say but Mr Smith kept going fork to mouth until he was done eating and waited till the boys were all sated and had the plates cleared out.

Mr Smith moved into the living room closest to the dinning hall, taking a seat and the boys each took a seat on different sofas at different locations in the room.

"I decided not to say anything while we ate so we can all have a quiet meal. So, how was your day, boys" The older man inquired.
"Fine,thank you" Cameron and Byron echoed, Midas still silent.

"I...." He paused, gauging their reactions before proceeding; "I don't know how to break it you boys. I feel like you won't take it well but I want you to know that no matter what, you are and will always be my first and top priority"

"Dad, What's going on? What's with all the suspense" Byron spoke out.

"Well.....I mean, if I decided,No! I mean would you boys fancy the idea of me getting married again?" He let out as he watched all their faces morph into puzzled looks.

"I will not be doing anything without your individual consents. And ever since your Mum left, I have stuck to my promises to her and you boys. But these days, I realized that, maybe I do need to move forward......And before I break those promises, I want to let you know first. I know it's not what you would've expected so suddenly but....I also didn't .It's fine actually, boys, Maybe I was just missing your Mum,afterall, Maybe I'm not even in love with her, I don't want you to feel pressured into letting this happen so don't......"

"Dad!" Cameron stepped in to stop his obvious panicked rambling.

"This is not about you missing her. It's been years already and It doesn't have to be about her. I'm just curious, is all..... I know you well enough,Dad. I thought no woman would be able to break down your defenses like Mom did. What kind of a woman is she, to have softened you like so? Who is she?" He finished with a question.

Mr Smith hesitated for a moment, shifting his gaze on his sons, browsing their faces; it's Sophia, Aiden's Mum" He muttered softly, Sending the room into a thick fog of silence.

Byron's car arrived at the front line of Smiths Inc.,, getting out and sending a friendly smile to the valet before handing the keys over. At his entrance, the security guards bow respectfully as the female staff along his line of vision giggled and sent flirty smiles his way as they whispered to each other, things he couldn't catch but certainly about his good looks, he knows.

Iris, who could sense the sudden change of atmosphere, from the whispering to the obviously fake giggles coming from the female employees, looked to where it was coming from, and found the cause of
the ruckus right in the middle of it all, an undeniably attractive man, making his way towards the boss' office.

"Huh? I'm sure I've seen that face somewhere" she muttered with a head tilt trying to figure out where and right next to her, another employee who was also admiring the man, voiced out,still swooning; "That's the second Smith's son, the boss' brother....I can't believe he's here".

The events of that night at the club where she had to pick Cameron up quickly flashed through her mind as she recalled where she saw him before.

"Well, If I'm being honest here, I have nothing against them". Cameron says, taking a seat on one of the sofas closest to the one his brother who had made a surprise impromptu visit to the office was seating on, both of them immediately diving into a discussion about the shock of the previous night.

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