Chapter Seventeen

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When Micheal steps into the room, he finds the temperature considerably warmer than the usual, with a rather sensual song playing in an acceptable volume from the speaker. He looks around, it was his first time properly entering the younger's room.

The lump on the bed in the shape of Midas' body was obvious from where he stood and he shakes his head.

As he walks closer, eyes going back to taking in the four, very distant walls of the spacious room, his eyes catches on a camera. The first thing that crosses his mind was 'why', but later on, there was a fleeting feeling of panic at the thought of that camera catching their interaction from the other night, but on closer inspection, he finds himself relaxing at the fact that the camera was a single point autofocus camera. The lens were trained solely on a heater at a near corner in the room and it would definitely be impossible for it's line of sight to reach the door.

After his shoulders visibly relaxes at his findings, his eyes goes back to the bed, where he was pleasantly surprised to find the younger blinking up at him, looking to still be in a sleepy haze.

“You’re awake”  he voices.

Midas blinks again, to be sure he wasn't just hallucinating the presence that looms above him, before adjusting himself on the bed to get more support on his back and pulls the blanket even higher, giving view to only his head and unruly head of hair.

Michael stands tall to a side of his bed with both hands stuffed in either of his pockets, looking all shades of formal in his all black suit that seemed to fit him just right with the exception of his biceps that looks like it strained the material. Midas feels his throat run dry and he swallows. Micheal, who had been standing like a statue finally shifts on his feet, dragging Midas back to reality, where he realizes he most definitely had been staring for too long.

He pushes himself up to a sitting position before asking hazily, "What's going on? I thought you must've been informed that I'm skipping today?"

“Yes, I'm aware. I just thought it was a very sudden decision and wanted to make sure everything was okay" His tone was as formal as it usually was, and Midas convinces himself that he must've been imagining that tinge of worry he heard.

"Everything's fine, I just wasn't feeling like it" Midas replies softly, repeating the exact words he must've told Ava.

Micheal pauses, thinking of what would be the right, most convincing way to put his next words, "Do you want to go out? Anywhere? .....Ma'am Grace is worried about you" he says, even taking a tiny step closer.

He watches as Midas blinks weakly at him again, silent for a moment before exhaling deeply and pulling the covers back up over himself.

"Don't bother. I already told her I'm fine and just want to rest for today" his voice comes out muffled from under the thick duvet but Micheal catches it.

He thinks about just giving up and leaving the other to it, but he'd feel guilty if he goes back to relay negative news to ma'am Grace without even trying, so he tries again. "Is that what you really want?"

His words were followed with silence, but then, slowly, the covers were being pulled down and Midas' hair comes into view again, followed by his huge brown eyes, and he asks, in the smallest voice possible, ".....Can I go to the club?"

Micheal was definitely not expecting the question and it took a few seconds to actually process, but then he decides why not, if that was going the cheer the younger up, he wouldn't mind. So he nods.

He was graced with a wide grin from Midas who was visibly pleased at the answer before he springs out of bed. He pauses to slip his feet into the slippers that were resting at the opposite of his bed before he disappears into his closet.

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