Chapter Sixty

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"What are you doing here, Lira?" Cameron immediately confronted.

Iris,  already beginning to tremble as the immensely menacing woman edges closer, Cameron moves to push her protectively behind his body, shielding her small frame.

"I asked a question, is this the slut you broke our engagement off for?" She repeated, feline eyes narrowing.

"Watch your mouth, Lira." Cameron shot back.

"Oh, no need to get all defensive on me now, Cameron, I'd always found it absurd that you wouldn't show me the person you did it for." She let out a berating scoff, "I'd have never thought it to be her, but what did I expect from pit crawling riff raffs? What did she do to seduce you, did you sleep with him?" She directed the last question at the slightly shaking Iris who fisted the back of Cameron's shirt, coiling in on herself at the woman's loud voice.

"Lira, I will not allow you speak to my woman like that" Cameron uttered, voice now raised with anger.

"W-Woman? Did you just call this thing your woman?"

"Shut up!"


"You heard me Lira, shut the fuck up and get the hell out of here before I do anything i'll end up regretting." He affirmed, veins at the side of his neck becoming more accentuated at the suppressed anger. Lira's jaw dropped to the ground before she collected herself, still staring at him in disbelief.

"So it's really true? I couldn't believe my ears when I was told you brought her to the hotel too and now here you are dropping her off like you're some cheap Uber service?!" She shrieked out, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "What exactly do you see in her, Cameron, look at me! I could give you so much more! She's not even half as pretty as I am, what does she have that I don't? '' She finished, stomping her Louis Vuitton heels as she threw a fit.

"She has my heart, Lira. Something you failed to attain."

"What in the world?! Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now, YOU! Have you no shame, preying on other people's men" she yelled at Iris who now has small streaks of tears going down her face, biting her lower lip to keep from crying out.

"Excuse you?!" Another voice, equally as audible, intercepted, Iris recognizing it as Jacqueline's immediately walking to the lady that marched towards the couple in rushed steps ; "Jacqueline, don't. Let's just go inside, please" she pleaded, grabbing onto her friend's arm.

"No, I'm not going to 'go inside' and let this little tramp get away with verbally harassing you!" She replied before turning to a confused Lira, crossing her arms before continuing; "You, you've got some audacity coming to our house and spilling such loads of bullshit just because you're pained about losing a man, who cares if you're some super model or whatever?  You're not entitled to his heart just because you desperately crave it. His heart chooses my friend here and understandably so, so you can go ahead and cry me a river because that would work to change nothing!"

"W-what?!" Lira stuttered out.

"Here, let me break it down for your tiny little brain, the category is winning a man's heart genuinely and you lost, sweetheart. So, pack it up, take your pity party elsewhere before you get what you deserve." She finished with a snap of her finger, hand lacing into Iris' not sparing Cameron a single glance before dragging the girl behind her as she stomped into the house.

Lira standing in her spot, mouth agape at the brash words of the other as nobody's ever spoken to her in such a manner.

"D-did you hear what that rude girl just said to me" Lira uttered in sheer disbelief.

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