Chapter Sixty Seven

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"A six month suspension?!" David cried out as Micheal explained the situation to him and Roland. See, the man received a suspension, his senior privileges withdrawn temporarily too and got his badge taken but he still spoke with a smile on his face. 

"You act like you received the disciplinary action instead of me" he laughed, teasing them for the looks on their faces.

"Come on, man, you act like weren't basically just booted out of service"

"Yeah for six months" He reminded, "it's not like I didn't need a break from all this, it could've been worse but I'm glad he let them keep it at a suspension, I could just do the things I'd been wanting to do for a while now, you know?" He reassured.

"And what are those? What do you plan to do with the time?" David inquired, his curiosity peaking.

"I dunno, visit my sister? Go see new places? Take painting lessons? Just live as Michael, that's a civilian for a while, ya know" He replied, chuckling.

"I'm having bad feelings about this bro, don't do anything rash" David says.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Roland pitched in, tone light.

"Pfff, if it's something even you wouldn't do, I'm definitely gonna be far from it" He laughed before continuing "Just trust me guys, it's all good" He affirmed.

"Are you gonna let Midas know this was the old man's doing?" Roland questioned

"You know I wouldn't, it'd only work him up and worsen things at home for him and his dad, so it's better this way".

"Alright man, take care. We'll check on you whenever we can" Roland said as they both came in for a hug.

"Be sure to let me know before you do, I might be on the road or something" Micheal replied as he started to retrogress towards his parked car, waving and smiling at the boys as he did.

Micheal got into the driver's seat of his Hummer Jeep, seconds away from starting the engine before halting to fetch his phone that vibrated in his pocket, smiling widely when he saw the contact ID displayed on the screen, sliding the green button.

"Micheal! Finally! I was so worried, why would you do that." His boyfriend's worried voice rang through the phone as he went on nagging the other for not picking his calls and throwing a fit before ending it with a sad "I miss you" evidently pouting from how he sounded.

"Oh I miss you so much more baby and I'm sorry for worrying you, you have no idea how much i miss having you in my arms right now" He replied truthfully.

"Do you want me to come to you, I could run away from home" Midas pitched, suddenly sounding like his mood did a whole 360 but going back to pouting when Michael let out a snort ; "I'm not joking" he says.

"I know, I know, but let's not make any rash decisions right now, okay? Now, how's my baby doing? Are you good?"

Midas rubbed his sweater paws on his cheeks when he felt them starting to heat up, suddenly turning to mush from the level of affection before he spoke.

"I should be the one asking you that, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, are you still grounded?" He inquired softly

"Yeah, but I have to go back to school in two days. I heard Dad was over there"

"Yeah.....yeah he was" Michael reluctantly answered.

"W-why? What was he doing there".

"Nothing much, he just had some business with the bosses i think" Michael lied

"You expect me to buy that? I'm not a child, Michael, tell me the truth" Midas stated firmly

"Fine, sorry. He had a meeting with the higher ups, I'm being reprimanded" he replied with a sigh

"Oh my God" Midas gasped out.

"Hey, it's nothing serious, I promise, nothing's wrong, it's just the official process, I'm all good" He followed instantly, not wanting the other to panic.

"Really?" Midas questioned, pouting in pity for the other, he knew how much Michael loved his line of work.

"Yeah, bun. Don't worry about me"

"You know I can't not worry about you. Just- be good and don't air my calls anymore" Midas spoke into the phone, evidently unhappy.

"I'm sorry about that too, I promise, never again. Now, smile for me, my little rebel" Michael chuckled, earning a long whine from the other side.

"You wouldn't even see it if I did smile, I wanna see you" Midas drew out.

"Soon, baby, very soon" Michael reassured him, still hiding his chuckles so as not to annoy the boy but he couldn't help it that the other was so devastatingly adorable, even unknowingly.

"Really? Promise?" Midas says as his eyes widened in excitement

"Yhup, don't you trust me? Someone needs to get you out of that blanket burrito you've probably sunken yourself into, don't they?" He replied with a breathy laugh "you know you're gonna have to be active again, right? You need to eat well, resume your hobbies, go out with your friends, attend your classes enthusiastically like you always have and just trust that it'll all fall back into place, okay? I know it will be" he finished confidently hearing the boy sigh from the other side before breathing out a small " I love you, Michael"

"I love you so much more and will never stop for as long as I breathe, bun"

A knock interrupted Gina from the files she was currently sorting in her office, one of the girls announcing a curt ; "Visitor, ma'am"

Gina tilted her head in confusion, recounting how many meetings she had for today, finding none to be within this time frame.

"Did you get a name?" She inquired.

"No, ma'am but it's not someone that needs an introduction" the girl replied with eyes wide.


"M- Mr Smith, ma'am" she muttered

"I didn't catch that, can you repeat?" Gina questions, unsure her ears heard that correctly.

"Mr Smith is here ma' in, Smith corporations" she repeated

"W-what?" Gina voiced, eyes blown out as she rushed to get up from where she was seated, stumbling back as she did, still in a bit of a shock"

"Are you okay, ma'am?" The girl said as she rushed to her side, holding her by the elbow as she helped her get steady.; "I'm fine, who again did you say is here?"

"Mr Smith, Madam" she said again repeated, Gina nodded in affirmation, getting steady on her feet as she slowly made her way out of the office, the girl closely behind. Getting to the reception to find the middle aged man in a neatly pressed white tailored three piece suit, hair gelled and neatly styled to reveal his forehead, features relaxed as he sat on a sofa like he owned the place; Mr Smith.

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