Chapter Forty-nine

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It was Dinner time and the Smiths, quietly enjoyed their meal,the atmosphere uncharacteristically quiet,serene even, until

"Dad, I'm sorry" Cameron mumbled an apology while they all sat around the table, Surprising both his brothers and Mr Smith himself. Breaking the long drawn silence by muttering an apology to his father,who then looked up at his son,casting him a gloom filled expression.

The older Man let his utensils drop into his plate gently,now turning his undivided attention to his oldest son,all while Bryon and Midas looked on.

"Cameron" He called him softly.

"Yes Dad" His response came as swift and sharp.

"Is there.... someone else?" He questioned softly. "Because I thought you and Lira had things going well for you, is she not a good enough girl for you to marry? I'm sure she is''

"Dad, Lira is ok. But like I said the other night,my feelings are not drawn to her, besides, she's honestly not the type of woman I see myself getting married to. I know it might've been a bit of a shock and I let you down,but she is not the one for me and I am sorry about everything." He said to his father in a gentle manner.

"Is there someone else?" Mr Smith repeated calmly.

"There is but he's yet to..." A menacing glare from Cameron quickly shut Byron off.

"Speak for yourself,"  Byron shot back with a sly grin.

"Dad...... I think I'll tell you about that later" Cameron responded.

"I am not going to cause a conflict amongst us again because we're all just trying to get along. I want to see things from your perspective too,your happiness comes first to me but I want you all to know that I'll want what's best for you" Mr Smith stated firmly.

"I'm sure you all have different ideas on what a partner should be,but as your father,I should know the kind of person you take things further with, because there is no way I'd allow my sons in a baseless or hurtful relationship. Therefore,I need to know who she is before I can make any decision. As long as she's from a good, financially stable and presentable household,I don't think we would be having any problems.Put your happiness first and I'll await the moment you deem it right to present her to me".

Cameron gazed at his father for few seconds,following it with a nod before saying ; "I... totally understand Dad and...I promise to get back to you on it" The older Man let out a fleeting soft smile before wiping his mouth with a napkin,standing up from the table and heading for his room immediately.

The three sons share a look,during a few seconds of silence before Midas abruptly speaks up.
"Did you..... lie to him?"

"Huh?" Cameron was forced out of brief reverie, and turned his attention to his brother.

"I'm asking if you lied about that. Is there really someone or you just said that to get out of the engagement with Lira" Midas said.

"No, I didn't lie about it, There's someone" Cameron replied.

"Why do you look so indifferent then? Shouldn't you be happy or something" Midas asked with a smile, shifting his gaze in between his brothers who were sitting on opposite sides of him.

"Because....He is yet to tell her Or,should I say our brother is still unsure about his feelings. Oh! I forgot,I wasn't supposed to be talking to you" Byron cut himself off, drawing a pout from Midas,a smile on Cameron.

"See that!? He said he's not going to talk to me" Midas directed at Cameron,face still downcast in a sad pout.

"Really, Bryon? you know you can't do that to him" Cameron said,unable to hide his smile.

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