Chapter Fifty two

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Gina stepped out of the boutique, locking up and heading home for the day.

Approaching her parked car, she noticed a dark figure standing next to it, back turned to her.

She couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face, not needing to be told who it was, slowly walking towards him,before the said figure finally turned around; Byron.

"What are you doing here and where is your car?" She questioned, now standing in front of him.

"Your chauffeur for the day, reporting for duty, ma'am" He said, a goofy smile plastered on his face.

" are you going to get home then?" She inquired,fighting back her own grin.

"Easy, I call my own chauffeur to come pick me up at yours" He answered like it's the simplest question one could ask.

Gina shook her head, now full on smiling as he extended his palms, wordlessly asking for the keys which she handed over to him, hand lingering on his for a while before she broke out of her reverie and walked to the passenger's side as he also got in, glancing towards her before turning on the engine and driving towards her house.

A few minutes into the ride, Gina couldn't help but notice the unusual Silence, knowing Byron is not exactly one to keep mute, especially around her. She turned towards him, causing him to flash her a smile before focusing on driving again.

"Is everything ok? You're not your usual self today"

"Nothing much,Just a sudden change of mood,I guess. I was doing some thinking while I waited for you. I thought of the night i met you....the Me from then and the Me sitting in front of you now, seems like two
different people. Meeting you and knowing you changed me, I've learned an unlearnt series of things ever since you came into the picture that is my life. Without you,I just feel like I'd still be that old me, the immature, stupid and vain one. Yeah, that's just it" He recounts, having a faraway look in his eyes.

"Can you park the car?" Gina abruptly said to him.

"Park the car?" He asked, confused.

"Yes, just park it around here" She said to him as she pointed a finger towards a dark part of the street.

And he did so, still confused as he turned off the engine to ask why she made him park the car, he was suddenly grabbed by the back of his neck and pulled into a kiss that lasted about a minute.

She broke the kiss, looking into his eyes, fingers playing with the tiny hairs at the back of his head. Byron, who was still thrown off by the happenings, broke into a smile.

"What's.... going on?" He asked, searching her eyes for an answer.

"Is it what I think it is?" He added.

"What do you think it is?" She grinned.

"I guess it is, Right?"

"Why? Did I give you a reply so late?" She asked softly.

He responded with a soft sigh, Letting out a gentle smile before pulling her close to continue with where they left.

A car pulled up in front of the house, Iris stepping out of the car, waving at a smiling Cameron before he gave a nod and drove away.

She stood there for a little while, watching his car until it rounded a corner, now full away from her line of sight before turning around.

"Oh my! You scared me Jacqueline'' Iris shrieked, seeing her friend standing at the doorstep, hands akimbo.

"Did you do something bad to be so jumpy?" She inquired, approaching Iris where she stood.

"No, I just wasn't expecting you to be here again today" she responded.

"I remember leaving behind a sad little Iris this morning mhm, but right now I think I see a different Iris. Is it what I think it is?" She says, starting to wiggle her eyebrows again.

"Well,it is" Iris muttered shyly "And ....he broke off the engagement" She added.

"I said it! Wow,I must be from a long generation of accurate seers because everything I foresee always comes true" She happily stated, genuinely happy for her friend, until she noticed her looking downcast again.

"What's wrong? What's with that sullen face?" She asked.

"I... don't know, it's just so unreal, I can't bring myself to ease into the fact that I'm in my first relationship and not just with anyone but with my Boss! Is this a dream?" She voiced out, eyes looking teary with uncertainty.

Jacqueline smiled softly, going in for a hug; "I know it feels surreal at the moment and that's totally understandable. Give it some time, yeah? Don't rush anything and just allow yourself ease into the idea of
being in a relationship and at your own pace,Okay?" A nod.

"And be a good girlfriend!" She joked, finally eliciting a short laugh from Iris as she pulled away from the hug.

"I know it would feel unreal to anybody to pick a Smith off the market and Cameron Smith at that"
She sighed dreamily exaggeratedly, fanning her face with her hands.

Causing Iris to laugh out loud, playfully pushing her away ; "You're so corny"

"Only for you beloved" she laughed making kissy faces and following after Iris as she walked into the

"Aiden?" His mom broke the silence that set upon them as they sat, having a meal together.

"Yes Mum?".

"I...I wanted to ask you something," She said.

"What's that,Mum?" He inquired, sensing her nervousness.

"Baby, how would you feel about it if Mommy said she wanted to uh.....remarry?" She cleared her throat awkwardly as she awaited his reply.

"Is he a good person?" His smile laced the reply.

"Are you going to be okay with that?" She asked again softly.

"Mum,It's always been the both of us and you have always sought for nothing but my happiness and I appreciate you for that. We're each other's rocks and i wouldn't be so cruel as to block your path towards
finding your own happiness. I mean, you have stood by me all along and honestly, the thought of you turning me away when I came out of the closet haunted me to no end but Mum, you embraced me, made me realize that I'm special and still me regardless of what society might think and that I can be whoever I wanted. All you've ever shown me is love and a Chance to give you my full support is something,I'd never turn down. So yes, I support you and I'm okay with your decisions because you also deserve to be happy" He said, ending, placing his hand over her shaky one on the table and giving her his full toothed smile.

Sophia stared at her son, blinking rapidly, already teary eyed from the speech he just gave, debating if he was ready for the next thing she wanted to say.

"Mum? Did I say something wrong? Why do you look so jittery?" He asked worriedly.

"It's just...What if he is someone you don't expect it to be?"

"Is he.... someone I know?" He questioned, receiving a vigorous nod from his Mum.

"Who?" Aiden's voice came as a whisper.

"...... It's Mr Smith" She finally breathed out, voice so small he could've missed it if they weren't sitting in pin drop silence.

"WHAT!? Mi...Midas's Dad?" His voice pitched in disbelief.

"Yes....Him" She affirmed.

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