Chapter Forty-four

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“You want me to have breakfast in the mini dining room? Why?” Midas asks Ava with a confused pout as they exited his room and made their way to the dining room.

“Well, the Boss would be having breakfast with your brother in the main dining room this morning, so .....” Ava explains next to him and Midas pulls to an abrupt halt, causing Ava to almost collide with him.

“My brother?” he echoes, Ava nods.

“Yes, your brother. Byron” she finally says and Midas' lips part in understanding, although still looking a bit downcast.

“Oh! I get it now. So, I’m gonna be eating alone this morning so they can eat together to sort out their issues?” Midas sighs as he resumes walking.

“No." Midas waits for the rest of Ava's words but when she doesn't explain further, he pauses again.

"No what?"

"No you will not be eating alone."

"Oh?" He questions, "Well then who....." He trails off when he pieces it all together. If Byron was having dinner with their father, that leaves out just Midas and the oldest. He purses his lips as he continues down the path.

"Mm, that reminds me," he starts, "Do you happen to know where Aiden went to?" He smiles sheepishly, "He was saying something while he rushed around the room earlier this morning but I was still half asleep so I didn't catch a thing, I think I was just humming to get him to stop talking."

Ava smiles at that, shaking her head slightly, "I think he guessed that much too. He actually asked me to deliver a message to you when you're awake. He said to let you know that he and Diamond will join you in class for the morning lecture, so I guess he's over at hers.” Ava recounts and Midas sighs in relief.

“Oh! That's great then. I kind of had an idea he was going to see Diamond, I also didn't think he'd be able to make it to class.” Midas thinks out loud and Ava smiles, matching her steps with his.


Byron looks around the main dining room, finding himself to be the only one sat for breakfast. Luna arrives soon after and serves his food and he is just about to dig in when the grand doors to the room pulls open again. Byron, who had expected it to be one of his brothers, is surprised when he lifts his head to find his father. His eyes widens and he clears his throat as he returns his eyes to the table.

Luna finishes serving him and walks out of the room, leaving Byron and Mr Smith who takes the seat right next to Byron instead of his usual spot at the head of the table.

“G- Good morning, Dad.” Byron stutters out, eyes still glued to the dishes in front of him. The older Smith smiles, slowly placing a napkin on his laps.

"Is everything okay? You seem a little..... Different this morning," The older man says, noting Byron's unusual posture and pitchy voice.

"What? Yeah, no everything's great, I'm all good." He replies, he still feels his father's eyes on him and it takes a while for Byron to finally look up to him and meet his eyes, "Okay, I'm going to admit this is a little....... Awkward? I don't know...." He mutters, unsure. Not used to both the close proximity and soft eyes of his father on him.

The oldest Smith blinks almost confusedly, as if taking time to process Byron's words before he starts with a low, "Oh?" There's a sigh from his own side before he smiles again, pushing some of his hair away from his forehead, struggling for a preferred choice of words, "I guess I understand how you feel. I know it's not just going to become all well and like I said, you..... You can take your time, getting used to me again, I just want you to know that Dad won't stop until I set things straight. I don't know what else to say to make you forgive me, so I figured since I am not the best with words, I will now try with my actions, from here on out. And I truly am grateful for the man you grew up to be, Byron. Like now, if any of my gestures make you uncomfortable, please do let me know. I failed you all those years ago and I hope now is not too late to try and make it right." The older Smith clears his throat, "I really am sorry, Son. I was wrong." With that, he makes to get up from the seat, probably to go back to his own seat and Byron didn't think it twice before he hurries to stop his father, fingers closing around the material of his shirt.

"You don't...... have to leave, Dad." Byron's throat bobs as he fights back the tears that threatens to pour. The oldest Smith immediately sinks back to his seat at that, as if never wanting to leave in the first place. He looks back at Byron, who loosens his grip, looking less stiff than before, "And you don't have to apologize to me again, I...... I saw from the letter."

Byron exhales loudly before he continues, "To be honest, I'd already forgiven you and Cameron. I did that night, I let it all go. And, maybe I should be the one apologizing, for being difficult and causing problems every other week. I know just how much trouble I stir up for the family whenever I walk out of this house and I know it doesn't get any easier for you to clean them up. Sometimes it was just me rebelling for the heck of it and I'm sorry, I should be more considerate, I'm sorry for not being perfect and-"

"Don't say that, Byron. You are perfect!” His father interrupts before he could finish, “I didn't see it earlier and I am at fault for that because you’re perfect in your own way. I should've never tried to force you to be what you were clearly not, look at you, you grew up so beautifully even without me and I am proud of you. I always will be and I will show it more from now on, I promise."

Byron feels the wetness on his cheek and realizes he was crying and even the oldest Smith looked like he was fighting back his own tears. As he wipes his tears, Byron opens his arms tentatively, blurry eyes looked at his father expectantly and Mr Smith's eyes widens slightly when he realizes what his son was asking for.

Without wasting any more time, he gets to his feet and pulls his crying son into an embrace that Byron melts into, crying even harder with the strong hold of his father around him seeping into him like glue, molding all his broken parts together and finally, a tear escapes from the older Smith's eyes.


Midas was already eating breakfast at the table when the door to the room opens and Cameron walks in with Mr. Jack who offers a smile before walking to the sofa at the far end of the room and getting comfortable in it.

Cameron abruptly stops in his track, swallowing harshly as he looks at his little brother. His gaze trails to Mr Jack and the older man gestures for him to move closer. Do something, say something.

Midas in his seat, smiles softly at his brother before returning his attention to his dishes.

Cameron approaches slowly and even pauses to gather his courage before taking a seat in front of Midas. For someone just hoping to have a conversation with his little brother, he seemed unusually jittery. Probably because he now knew just how high Midas regarded him and he feared, so so scared of losing face in front of the boy he had watched grown both personally and from afar. Looking at Midas up close he really just marvels at how well the younger has grown, Midas features were soft, always have been but they now had that mature, manlier edge to them, jaw looking stronger and his cheekbones even higher. He is brought out of his reverie by Chloe, who momentarily obstructs his vision when she bends to serve his food and then leaves just as fast.

“Good morning.” Cameron greets, voice sounding shaky with his nerves. Midas looks up at him, he blinks.

“Morning.” Midas greets back, goes back to eating again.

Cameroon purses his lips nervously, promptly running out of words to say. He keeps looking back at Mr. Jack for some kind of help but the older just urges him on with frantic waves of his hand.

“I… well …. Are you.…. Is…” Cameron stops trying and just shuts his eyes, Mr Jack fights the urge to face palm in embarasment at Cameron's obvious struggle.

He hears what sounded like a faint chuckle and Cameron raises his head to find Midas looking amused. He rubs his nape in embarasment. "I'm sorry, this is awkward." He apologizes.

“It's okay, you don't have to feel pressured. I know this isn’t your thing and you’re probably just getting used to it, I'm happy to see you trying. And honestly, I’m not mad at you if that’s what you’re thinking, I never was.” Midas says, offering another smile before he rises from his seat.

“W- Where are you going?” Cameron hurries to his feet too. Midas' eyes widens slightly as he asks, "Me? To school? I have a lecture."

"Ah!" Cameron exclaims in understanding before he erects his posture once more, "Well...... Your personal guard will not be dropping you off at school today.”

“What? Why?!" Midas almost pouts as he asks, "So, who is going to be dropping me off then.”

Cameron clears his throat, puffing up his chest before replying, "Me. I am."

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