Chapter Fifty-eight

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"Wait a minute Midas,you need to calm down," Byron tries to soothe the boy who was currently pacing around the space of his office, violently trembling as tears fell from his full eyes, probably a few seconds away from a panic attack.

I don't know how to calm down Byron, how am I supposed to calm down" he replies, tears still streaming down his face having lost all sense of reasoning as he dropped his phone earlier and ran to the first person he could think of, needing some sort of comfort.

"Gosh he'd better react like this too should something ever happen to you," He exasperated as he ran a hand through his hair, quickly approaching the boy that seemed to be at the edge of hyperventilating from how out of breath he was from all the crying. "Midas, take a deep breath, okay, please, just, breathe in and out" He says as he coddles the younger, turning his eyes to face himself as he practises the activity he had previously explained, hand gesturing, coaxing the boy to do the same.

He quickly reached for the younger's hands that were trembling where they laid at his sides, second hand landing at the small of his back, gently pulling him into a hug as he took in his brother's broken, fragile state.

Breaking away from the hug, he led him to the sitting space of the office, having him sit on the comfy sofa as his tears died down  but he still looked immensely sad and distraught.

"Do you want something to drink? To help with the nerves?" He tried

"No, I don't want anything, I want.....I need to see him, Byron" Midas replied with a sense of urgency.

"Midas, you know you shouldn't even be here right now, what do you want me to do as you've come all the way here"

"Anything! Anything, Byron, please. I just want to see him and I don't care if it's just for a few minutes,I just want to make sure he's okay, please, take me to him."


"Please, Byron" came Midas' reply, voice shaky.

"No, you're not going to do this to me right now, you do realise that Dad's home and you should've arrived home minutes ago, you know how he gets when he can't reach you, we don't want a repeat of what happened last time, do we? You want a whole search party after you again? You need to get back home, I'll go check on him myself-"

"No! No!" Midas cut him off, tears welling up in his eyes again at the mere thought of not seeing Micheal, "i wanna see him myself, you can cover for me if Dad asks, I know you can, this for me Byron, please"

Byron shook his head as he was forced to take in the state of the poor boy, pulling him into another hug as his hand landed behind his head, softly patting his head as he felt his resolve break.

"Ugh, it's okay, stop crying, I don't want you to get sick......I'll take you to him" He softly whispered in his ear as he felt the boy mutter rounds of broken "thank you"s, snuggling deeper into the broad chest of his brother.

"Roland ......." A weak, bandaged up Micheal, connected to the multiple wires, some reading his heart rate, interpreting it on the continuously beeping machine that sat next to his hospital bed, another supplying water to his weak body and the last one blood, tried to shoot a glare at his friend, Roland as he stood next to his bed, accompanied by another of their official members and friend, David.

"Michael, I don't think there's anything wrong in Roland letting your boyfriend know you're....unwell" David said.

"See, that's what you'd say because you don't understand, there's many things wrong and you just don't get it! I don't know how he's going to handle such an information, I'm sure he's somewhere bawling his eyes out or even worse, a panic attack! He's really sensitive to things like this and who's going to take responsibility when he jumps into conclusions or makes rash decisions like coming here without his Dad's knowledge, huh?" He seethed out before his voice softened as he felt a sharp pain at the spot where a hole in his body was currently healing. "Roland, you shouldn't have called him, it's just a bullet, I'm going to be fine once I complete my treatment which would only be a couple of days, phoning him was not necessary". He finished, letting out a weak sigh.

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