Chapter Seven

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“We're still on for next week, yeah? You know we have to be there this time or our buddies will never let us hear the end of it" Cameron sighs into his palm at the same time his friend, Larry chuckles before adding, "I know you'll say you've been busy with work, I have too. But we've been missing these things for a long time now and remember we actually promised to be there this time"

Larry was a businessman, just like Cameron, one of the reasons they were able to stay friends despite their busy schedules. They had a common ground. To Cameron, business talk was always welcome, but Larry was always open to random conversations too and Cameron, although not usually one to casually speak about himself, finds himself obliged to indulge the man. And now, well, he knew virtually everything there was to know about him.

"Yeah, you're right. I will adjust my schedule to fit that in. Thanks for the reminder" he chuckles and Larry makes a face, disregarding his last words.

"I can see business is doing fine, but how's your brother, Midas. I saw the news" he speaks cautiously and Cameron shakes his head, noticing his friend's unusual rigidness at the topic.

"Ah, he's fine now. Dad got him better security, I heard, until it all blows over atleast. I haven't seen the guy yet but I heard he's very good, so I guess we don't have to worry about his safety. It's only a matter of time before those bastards find something else to leech on anyways" he finishes and Larry nods, loosening up a bit at the reply.

"Yeah, that's smart. How about Byron?" He chuckles, "I haven't seen anything on him in a while"

Cameron groans loudly at that, sinking further into his seat and Larry bites back a smile, Byron had always been a source of undiluted stress for his older brother and it seemed that was never changing, "Don't even get me started on him. He’s still going around, doing what he does best, being a pain on the behind. Just recently, he thrashed some guy's car for some silly reason and you only didn't see that on the news because Dad was quick to buy the reporters before they could publish hundreds of unpleasant articles, as usual. I haven't seen him in a while and I think that's great for my mental health, really" On Cameron's side, it was actually quite relieving to finally vent out some of his frustration and Larry seemed to be having the time of his life as he finally laughs at Cameron's misery. The other man shakes his head.

"Still," Larry starts when he finally collects himself, "He's your baby brother and I think you should actually maybe try to talk some sense into him" Larry suggests and Cameron chokes on nothing, raising a finger.

"Okay, first of all, the only 'baby' brother I've got, is Midas. Byron, on the other hand is a grown ass man" It was no news by now that Cameron only cussed or said words he considered as ugly whenever he was at his limit and Byron was very much his limit, it wasn't all the time you get to see the usually eerily calm and collected CEO so worked up, Larry was definitely privileged and he enjoyed every second of it.

"Besides, you think I haven't tried that? That giant man child doesn't speak 'reason' and it would always end up in a huge shit pile. That's a level of stress I'd never willingly subject myself to. Never again"


"I don't want to talk about Byron, Larry, can we discuss something else?" Larry raises his hands in surrender when Cameron promptly cuts off his next argument.

"Fine, fine, much as I enjoy you all red faced, I wouldn't want to risk a heart attack from all this pent up stress" Larry says with a breathy laughter and Cameron rolls his eyes with a shake of his head. "Speaking of, how's things with your girlfriend, Lira" Larry laughs out loud again when Cameron's lips pull into a straight, unamused line.

"Ha ha, I'm glad you're having fun" Cameron deadpans, "She's not my girlfriend and you know that. Dad thinks things are great with her but what it really is, is annoying, how clingy she is" Cameron complains for what felt like the nth time that day and Larry actually feels a little bad for the man at that point.

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