Chapter Forty-four

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Mr Smith woke up to the sound of someone stepping into his room, the beautiful marble door of the Smith mansion generally soundless but the older man being a light sleeper had him opening his eyes.

He spoke, though backing the intruder as he heard a tray landing on the bed and a saucer, probably containing his morning coffee gently being placed on the white duvets "Ma'am Grace, I told you to let the girls do this instead".

The silence following his remark was very uncharacteristic, seeing as Madam Grace never missed a beat to give a response whenever spoken to, especially by the eldest Smith, causing him to make a sharp turn, wanting to be sure she heard him, only to be greeted by the brightest smile from the one person he least expected to be standing at the foot of his bed at......a glance at the clock.....7 in the morning.

"Sophia?" He breathed out, collecting himself, looking up at the younger woman who had a smile seemingly plastered on her face.

"Good morning, I trust you had a good night." Sophia finally spoke up.

"Ho...I mean, what are you doing here?" Mr Smith, still a bit disoriented, asked.

"Well that was exactly what I said when Cameron and Byron appeared at my house this morning to get me here". She replied, her smile growing impossibly bigger.

"Eh?! M...My sons... picked you up?" Now, he just seemed to be growing more confused.

"Oh gosh, Don't you get it!?" The younger woman almost squealed, now taking a seat next to his spot on the bed.

"Does this mean that...they accept us?" He inquired, eyes beaming as he finally seemed to put two and two together.

Sophia nodded vigorously, her face having a glow to it today that he never thought he'd seen, ever.

And Aiden? What about your son?" He asked.

"Well at first, He was surprised of course and after that he just sounded so mature and accepting after I explained to him, the exact way we both agreed to drop the bomb. She giggled, eyes teary with undeniable joy. "I just let him know, he has the highest say in this and that he doesn't have to feel pressured to accept anything. I told him I'll stop seeing you if he oppose and well, let's just say he took the news so much better than my nerves made me believe he would. And the first faces I saw behind my door this morning were Cameron and Byron, wanting to have breakfast together, here" She ended, picking his hand where it limply lied on his stomach and lacing his fingers with hers, still bursting with emotions as she coyly stretched to place a gentle kiss on his cheek and said; "Come on, don't act so shocked now, let's get you ready for work, everyone is waiting for us downstairs, we're having breakfast together, remember?"

"Tch...I.... I'm still a little thrown off by all these but God, I'm so happy'' He finally said, gazing into Sophia's gorgeous hazel eyes, looking like a lovestruck teenager.

"Of course you should be, I am too" She muttered softly, face mirroring his expression.

The dining area was bursting with life that morning as everyone sat around the big table for breakfast, Luna, Ava and Chloe also having gotten invited to sit with them in the spirit of togetherness as discussions flew around the table and they all slowly savored their meals, not one unhappy face at the table. It felt good to sit together as a family for the first time in many years.

Aiden and Midas hurriedly rushed to get driven to school the moment they had their fill, followed by Byron who noticed Cameron kicking up from his seat the moment he got up, prompting Mr Jack and Mr Charles to let out quick votes of appreciation and compliments to the chef as they hotfooted it after the Smiths who had now rounded a corner.

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