Chapter Twenty-three

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"Jacqueline, are you there?” Iris comes to a stop in front of the bathroom door, finding her bestfriend on Iris' bed, holding her phone.

Jacqueline had spent the night over at Iris', which was not unusual for both ladies, but this time, Jacqueline had rushed over to help Iris pack for the trip.

It was morning and Iris had asked Jacqueline to help finish up with packing while she went to take a bath.

With the towel still wrapped around her frame, she sinks into the bed next to Jacqueline who still holds unto Iris' phone, donning a silly grin.

"What?" Iris questions, "Watchu doing on my phone?" She asks, trying to peer into her own phone that Jacqueline was turning away from her.

"Oh nothing. Your boss texted. He's on his way to pick you up?" Iris feels her face pale as she knew Jacqueline does not just look so self satisfied for no reason.

"..... What did you do Jacqueline?" She asks slowly, the other shrugs.


"Jacqueline, I swear to God!"

"Gee, calm down!" Jacqueline replies, rolling out of the bed to get away from Iris who looked like she was seconds away from a mental breakdown. "I just sent a text back saying you were almost done, that's all!"

That did nothing to ease Iris' nerves, she still gives her friend a very suspicious look, Jacqueline still had that shit eating grin before she adds, "..... maybe I threw a heart emoji somewhere in there..."

"You what?!" Iris all but screams, Jacqueline finally sees the threat in that and chuckles nervously, already mapping out an escape route.

"Jacqueline, I'm asking again, what did you do!" Iris looked exactly a second away from pouncing on her friend, now on her feet and looking menacing even for her height.

"A lil heart emoji?" Jacqueline says, throwing in a nervous smile at the end.

Iris finally seemed to snap at that but instead of racing toward her friend, she sucks in a deep breath and smiles at Jacqueline.

"How would you like your funeral to look like Jacqueline, because I swear I am going to end you!" She finishes with a scream, finally doing what Jacqueline expected as she lunges after her.

Jacqueline screams and begins to run to dodge the angry bird after her, shouting calls of her to calm down and come that 'a heart emoji never hurt anyone!'

"Girls! What's with all the yelling, it's still so early in the morning!" Iris' mother calls from somewhere in the house, causing them to pause.

"Hear that? You're causing a ruckus, so you better come here right now and I promise I'll make your death painless" Iris calls out and Jacqueline shakes her head.

"Why would I come closer when you just said you were going to end me!" She cries out, "besides, it's just an emoji, why are you being so anxious about it!"

"Because that's my boss! You know, the stiff, no nonsense one and you just- JUST GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!"

"YOU COULD JUST SAY IT WAS A TYPO! Okay, my bad, now let's finish with packing!"

Iris sucks in another breath at that, "You could've been done with packing if you didn't randomly decide to start texting my boss!"

"I wasn't texting your boss! Besides, shouldn't you be thanking me, I replied in your stead, so now he can't fire you for a late response!"

Iris huffs at that, before pointing a threatening finger at her mischievous bestfriend, "If I lose my job again, you better beware, cause I'll be jumping off a bridge with you in tow!"

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