Chapter Six

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“Oh! I thought you said you were going home first,” the pretty, brown eyed lady questions as she pulls the door to her apartment open to let the visitor in.

The visitor, Iris, beams at her childhood friend, Jacqueline, as she leisurely strolls in. Iris Wilson was now in her early twenties, a fresh graduate and just finding her way into the 'real world' as they'd call it.

She was gorgeous too, beauty and elegance radiating from her every move and behavior. She was an only child to average parents, they were not rich, but thankfully, never lacked in anything too, her mother having ran a supermarket for as long as she could remember, while her Dad works at a cement depot.

As she walks pass her friend, kicking off her stilettos, Jacqueline couldn't help a tiny smile at the now evident height difference. She was 170 centimeters tall, body filled in all the right places, giving her an hourglass figure that was so prominent that she'd unfortunately grown used to the catcalls and perverse comments from big mouthed men.

"I got the job" Iris mumbles as she slumps unto the sofa, forcing a dimpled smile as her bestfriend raises a brow.

"..... why are you so indifferent then? Shouldn't we be celebrating?" She questions, walking in after shutting the door.

Iris groans, wriggling around on the couch to get as comfortable as she could, "Because I wished I never applied to this particular company" she says, adding to Jacqueline's initial confusion.

"What? Why is that? And what company?" She asks, taking a seat on the arm of the couch.

“It’s one of those Smith’s companies! And I'd already applied before I heard the news about the CEO, who, apparently is based in that particular company. I heard he's a literally dick who fires people if they so much as breathe too loud! I never believed in bad luck until I found out that was the only one, out of all the companies I applied to, that accepted me. Oh God" she laments, sighing at the end of her words as she thinks of all the things that could go wrong and end up in her being jobless again in a few weeks -probably days.

“Oh" Jacqueline mumbles, "I see, but Iris, I think instead of stressing out about what could probably never happen," she pauses when Iris raises a brow, in obvious disbelief, shaking her head before continuing, "Yes, I know you have a bad temper and you're thinking that can get you on your boss' bad side, but, you're also really competent and your boss would be the one facing a loss if he loses you over his own temper tantrum. Remember you're doing this not only for yourself but to support mum and Dad too, now, chin up and let's only harbour positive thoughts!" She ends on a cheery note, but Iris just puffs up her cheeks, resigned.

"I already applied for another company just in case. You know I can't stand people like him, I'd end up loosing my temper and then he'd fire me not even two hours into working" she chuckles sadly before adding, "But I'll go. I heard they always have a killer menu at the cafeteria, and it's all free" Jacqueline laughs at the obvious attempt at lightening up the mood too before scooting closer to her friend.

"Exactly. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try atleast. Worst he could do is fire you, and if he goes overboard, we'd just go buy some cheap masks and batter his car as revenge. Easy" Iris bursts into laughter at that, nodding along with her mischievous friend's idea and Jacqueline laughs along too.

"I'm hungry." Iris suddenly voices when the laughter dies down, causing both friends to share a look before bursting into another round of unexplained laughter. "No, seriously, what did you cook?" Iris presses on, holding on to her now hurting stomach before getting off the couch and padding her way into the kitchen with a still smiling Jacqueline behind her.

“I didn’t do a lot of cooking today. Just spaghetti and meatballs. I made some salads too,” Jacqueline supplies, earning an appreciative hum from Iris who was already busy with opening the different pot and pans in search of said food.


Iris and her parents sat in the dining room at night, a comfortable silence in the room with the exception of their cutlery hitting the plates. She was dressed in a pink dinner gown that stopped just over her thighs, a matching pink bandana over her low ponytail.

She looks around the room, a proud smile on her lips before deciding to break the news, "Mum, Dad ..... I got a new job as a secretary,” She announces and feels an overwhelming sense of accomplishment at the way her parent's faces brightens at the news. Her mother was the first to speak, proud smile on her face.

"Oh that's wonderful news! Congratulations sweetheart" her Mum beams, reaching out to grab and caress her knuckles lovingly.

“Thank you Mum,” She smiles back, taking her mother's hand.

“Congratulations, dear. We are so proud of you. When are you to resume? I hope it's not going to be too stressful” Her father asks, equally pleased and she shakes her head.

"Of course not, my schedule's pretty flexible too, and I start next week" she informs and the man nods. They continue to eat, the silence now replaced with a conversation about their days, with the occasional praises from her parents regarding her recent accomplishment, leaving her a blushing mess.

After helping her mother in clearing up the table, Iris retires to her room, first taking a seat at her small reading corner and adding an update to her diary, after which she grabs her phone and walks towards the bed. She dozes off scrolling through the device.


Midas was standing in front of his full length mirror, Ava and two other maids helps him get ready for the day's lectures.

“What color of shoes do you want?” He turns to see Ava who was holding up two different pairs of shoes, brown sneakers on one hands and a pair of black boots in the other.

“I think brown sneakers,” he replies with a tilt of his head and she hums, thoughtful.

“Since you’re wearing a brown hoodie and brown pants, why don’t you go with boots instead? You're also taking that black backpack today, so I think it'll work well together?"

"Oh?" He mutters, lips forming into a small 'o' before smiling sheepishly at the woman, "Yeah, I think I'll go with your suggestion"


On getting to the driveway, where he usually had his driver waiting with his car and the guards in their own car, Midas pauses at the sight of Michael. He was dressed very differently from their first meeting, now donning a more official look rather than casual as he stands next to a grey colored car.

Micheal pulls the backseat door open when Midas resumes in his steps, but instead of getting in the car, he looks up at the older, confusion written all over his face.

"What's going on? Where's everyone else?" He asks, looking around to find no other car with the guards waiting, or the orderly that sits on the passenger's side of his own car, heck even the driver wasn't here.

"Nothing. It's just you and I now" the man simply states and Midas grows even more confused.

"You and I?"

“I talked to Mr. Smith and we agreed that a crowd would be unnecessary. I believe I am capable of protecting you myself. So yes, it will be just you and I starting now."

"And Dad allowed that?!" Midas exclaims, in utter disbelief at the fact that his father would actually agree to having one man bear the responsibility of his protection.

The man does not supply any more answers at that, simply motioning towards the open door with that signature stoic expression, "After you."

Midas stares at him for a while, narrowing his eyes before getting into the back seat. The door was slammed shut after him and a few seconds later, the older man was in the driver's seat and the engine roars to life.

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