Chapter Fifty

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"You what?!" Byron exclaimed, utterly stupefied.

He was forced to sit up from his slouched position, Cameron revisiting the incidents of earlier that day to
his eager, listening ears.

Cameron who was sat on his large queen sized bed, stared wordlessly at his brother who had been listening from one of the sofas on the other side of the room.

The lack of a response from Cameron had Byron quickly getting up and reaching his brother's seated form
in seconds thanks to his long legs and the need to hear more of what Cameron had to say.

"You really didn't say anything to her?" He questioned, surprise still evident on his face.

"I Just..... couldn't get anything out when she asked me" was all Cameron let out after the long bout of silence.

"Wow! Bro,I cannot believe you already missed your golden chance. Wait a minute, are you....a virgin?"
Byron let out,followed by a goofy smile, which prompted a look of confusion and disgust from Cameron.

"That's not....What does that even have to do with anything?" Cameron,still frowning at the question,shot back.

"No, I just needed to confirm something. I'm sure you're not,it's just your first time to fall in love, Right?"

"Right!" Cameron replied without missing a beat.

"Good! You're meeting with her for dinner soon,yeah?

"Yes" He said with a nod. "She told me to wait for a reply".

"So,the meeting's not set in stone yet.You shouldn't have kissed her knowing you don't have the balls to
confess yet, what if she thinks you took advantage of her?" Bryon finally aired out his concern.

"I....I wasn't thinking straight,I don't know what came over me, I just....don't know" He stated truthfully,running a hand through his usual styled to the max hair,ruffling it in frustration.

"Well, I guess there's no use crying over spilled milk". He sighed

"Fingers crossed that response comes quick so you can finally man up and say something, cause trust me Bro,you just might have to grow old single and alone if you miss this opportunity again" Byron teased as he playfully jumped into his brother's bed.

Cameron, who took a second to process what he had said, quickly grabbed the nearest thing he could
reach, thankfully a pillow and launched it at him, smacking Bryon square in the face, successfully pulling a groan from him.

"Fu...That hurt! I almost let out a curse because of you!" Byron yelled,arms flailing around holding the pillow that had just assaulted him.

Cameron shook his head, snickering lowly as he walked into his bathroom,leaving Byron to his dramatics.

"How's your day going,and how's school?" Came Michael's voice from the other side of the line.

"It was fine" Midas hummed

"What about you? Did you get dispatched yet?" He inquired softly.

"We leave in two days...Still on the training ground for now.Why don't you make this a video call, I want to
see you" Michael said to him in a soft tone.

The boy not wasting time switching to a video call as if to say he did not need to be told twice.

Michael smiled, seeing him looking as adorable as ever.

"This is why I had to see your face,why do you look so downcast, Do you miss me already?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

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