Breaking The News To A Superior

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June 10, 2037, Seonghwa's View

"Oooo," Everyone says looking at me I started confused and then decide to turn around a Light guard stood there. "I take you won't leave until you have me you don't seem to have handcuffs so that means this isn't a criminal act" "No it's not you're wanted by King Hongjoong," The guard tells me "Oh so this him needing help from The Dark Lord himself very well, however, you will have to wait for this is my last regal class" "Understood Queen Juila" He then walks out the doors after the class I walked with him. "So what would this be about" "He only told me my mission was to have you in the kingdom at once" "EIther must be big or he secretly is forced to get help from someone that isn't his usual alley tree" After getting The Oewlias Badge a badge that is only given to important people or placed on any royal people was placed on me I then headed towards where the location of Hongjoong was. I then opened the door he walked back and forth I closed the door. "Was it one of the kids?" "Loria forgive me this hasn't ever happened before at all in my time as King of Light and it pains that I'm forced to even do this but I need your help in killing one of my own" "Oh damm," I say "That is something rather big" A file was placed into my hands I gasped. "Hongjoong I don't know about this one" "What?" "This is the half-brother to one of my superiors in my kingdom" "Oh gosh" "I don't know Honie" "Then what if we get the okay from your superior or can you do the prison way of killing him" "Oh the electric shock right to the heart" "Yeah" "Joongie let me go get the okay for you" "Let me come with you they'll understand it once they see the both of us" "Oh?" "You're The Chief of Magic I'm King of The World You're the Queen of The World you're King of Evil I'm the King of Good you see where I'm going right?" "Let's do it together as rulers of our world" It was heartbreaking seeing one of the female superiors break down. "Wait no there has to be a way Loria you're Death isn't you aren't you able to see maybe someone should've died?" "I can do whatever I can but right now it's looking like your brother will either have to the electric way or death by Hongjoong's and me hands I'm sorry Superior Jamie forgive us"

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