Saved By My Other Half

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June 23, 2037, Hongjoong's View

"Quite too late for that" A voice says  The guards only then turned into people I didn't recognize at all they chased after the guys that had captured us and roughed them up. "You there?" Doxis say grabbing someone "Answer me" "Why should I answer to someone like you?"  The guy says smirking Oh shit is that who I think it's? "Do you know what is happening" "Yeah you're downfall to me the greatest villain of our world" Yeah I was right I should've seen that coming. "What ahhhh" Doxios was taken down the person laughed. "Silly fools don't you know...." Seonghwa now stood there in an all-black outfit claws and all wearing his crown. "I'm Queen" "We did right" "Indeed we did once you boys get these people to the maximum magi prison go back to Hell and Obsrian" "Will do Your Villanous" Doxios was now wearing handcuff and he was growling in anger.  Seonghwa then walked towards me both of his claws turned to hands he held onto mines. "It's a relief," Seonghwa says softly "That they didn't steal anything from you and I know the reason why you're not wearing your regal emblem" "So aren't you" "Mines is underneath 3 layers of clothing but the fact that I get recognized as King of Demons is even cooler and strikes more fear into people's hearts" "Oh gosh you are a psycho" "Thank you" "Not a compliment Hongjoong who is this anyways" "My wife" "Oh shit" "No to worry you didn't know you seem new welcome to The Steallruim Unvrise hopefully this can be your new home also you guys can move" "What when did the ropes come off" "That's Loria for you" I say laughing "I should've never left you guys at that taco joint alone you there what's your name?" Seonghwa says  "Keysung" "Keysung you're now and forever under the protection of The King and Queen of The Steallruim Unvrise should anyone try to slice you down they'll be sliced down on the spot by Hongjoong or myself now if you shall excuse me there's a taco joint in Seoul that will be permanently owned by me and only me" Seonghwa walked away still looking like a dangerous yet beautiful creature out of a nightmare or horror show. "Hongjoong" "Say it you wouldn't be the first" I say laughing "Your wife is so hella cool" Keysung says  "Was expecting a different phrase but that one works as well" I say chuckling 

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