The 45th Deathstroke

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January 18, 2038, Seonghwa's View

"All of that happened? WHoah," I landed on my feet and looked around. "Loria!" "Teniiiiii!!!!" I picked up the star object made of silver. "Isn't this The Arcivshy?"  I say Then it glowed and become all different colors and it wrapped around my arm like a bracelet. "Queen Juila!" I looked at my shrine several gifts were around my shrine. "Oh whoa, a great god from another came to try to take over our world and you guys are saying I sacrificed my soul to save everything in our world to live on," I say  "Yes you did," Hongjong says  "That means it was my 45th Deathstroke," I say picking up the fruit basket "Hehe all of these are strawberries aren't we in fall though" "Yeah I think those came from your underworld buddies,"  Hongjoong says "Oh that explains a lot the immortal fruit place hahah but why don't I feel incomplete usually when I come back I have to you know restart the world," I say "The world restarted once you sacrificed your soul Riles" Hongjoong tells me  "And no one got harmed?" "Do tears count as harm?" Yeosang asks "That's a form of expression and emotion" "Loria" "James" I held onto him tightly "You must've suffered the most," I say "I did but I'm relieved you're back now," Hongjoong says  "That means you've been crying yourself to sleep on the couch," I say, "Quilty" Hongjoong says  "No more of that I'm staying for good now," I say  "I know that now can we help you get these back to the dorms?" "Yeah I would like a lot," I say "Hello Queen Juila" "I would like to have the oval hall so that I can address the people of my kingdom," I say "Of course, you can" I hear President Myillan say "We'll get the teleporter ready right now for you"

5 hours ago I addressed the entire world now here I was in pajamas in a live with my band. "You can call us your late-night radio cast for now" "We'll be going through the soft playlist we made as 8" After the live we're now in a car on our way to our dorms for us to get some sleep ourselves. "You big baby," Yeosang says laughing Yunho was hugging me tightly "Teni's not going to disappear on us," Yeosang says "He'll be here when we wake up" "Yeah besides you two might end up making breakfast for everyone" "Trueee" "Garrent I will be here when you wake up I won't vanish away I'm in our world for good now," I say soflty "There's no need for me to move around in the night unless if I get called up to handle my duties as the night lurker" My words assured him because then smiled and walked towards the room that he has with San and Jongho. I walked into the room that belonged to Hongjoong and me.  "James" He turned around and kissed me on my lips and smiled. "Night Night Loria" "Night Night James"    

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