I Didn't Turn

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July 22, 2037, Hongjoong's View 

"King Hongjoong!" Crap I turned around and looked at them. "Hello" "My Ledge this isn't like you why go?" "You guys know why because of one Darkness being" "I knew it he turned he's now a puppet of evil!" I ignored them and decide to walk through the portal everyone there smiled and nodded their heads. "I wonder if it's true" "About" "How he's one of us" "I think it's safe to say he's the only light being who will actually treat us right" "You think so" "He's Lucifer's husband and also King of The Steallruim Unvrise he'll do whatever he can to help Lucifer with balancing the world as a whole" I walked towards the castle someone grabbed onto my hand. "Just the villain I was looking for" Seonghwa blushes "M-me what happened?" "My Seonghwa sight-seeing time is low" Seonghwa giggles and touches my hand. "Well you can have me now" "You're different" "Just not really evil today," Seonghwa says "I feel very normal"

"I wanna know your favorite food place here" "Mines" "You're the only one I'm with who else would I be talking to" "That is true" "You're too cute" "James" "I mean it seeing you so normal like this it's cute makes you look actually like a girl but the flower crown and the way your hair is now" "It's been growing bit so having a bit of curl seemed okay to do" "Adorable" "Stop" After lunch, Seonghwa showed me around his favorite places in his kingdom. "An..." "What happened?" Seonghwa and a few others stood in front of a grave they all sang together. "You think she's in Heaven" "She is," Seonghwa says softly "She's among other pets that are up there" "Really that's good" "I miss her a lot" "I do too" "Mhm" "I miss seeing her every morning" "She was the first to steal the first meat blazer off the stand" They all laughed "I'll tell her for you guys when I head to Heaven" "Oh right you're Life and Death aren't you Lord Seonghwa?" "That means you can always play with her in our honor awww" "You guys have a good day let me know if you guys have any concerns through the website" "Will do" Seonghwa then got up and looked at me. I wiped at his tears and hugged him tightly "She was a Yorkie" Seonghwa says "She breathed fire and acid towards anyone who wanted to harm any one of our city" I continued to hug Seonghwa "We lost her a few days after her 5th birthday" "It must've been hard for you" "It still is Joongie and it still hurts" "Well the important thing is you don't turn away from everyone here it seems everyone also loved the yorkie" "Mhm" I opened my book of information I fliped towards the pages I made in regards to Seonghwa and wrote has a big heart towards animals and is sensitive to their deaths.

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