Here's To Us

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Probably should've Wrote It Down But the Previous Chapter Was In Hongjoong's View. This Time it's Now Seonghwa's View on August 26, 2037.

"Loria" "Um?" "What you're mumbling or humming it's familiar" "Really how it's not a released song yet" Everyone around us looked on but Hongjoong continued on and took out various things from his laptop placed his earbuds into my ears then I blushed. "Oops sorry, Honie" "It's okay but do you need help?" "From you, I don't mind at all" "Whoa whoa hold a freak up you two" Hongjoong and I started laughing so much "I can explain," Hongjoong says, "Loria a creator of poison Liluith told me that in order for her garden to fully grown without creatures and stuff a repellent or something had to be done so I asked Loria if he would help by creating a repellent that keeps bugs from even stepping foot onto the garden" "Okay but what about spiders?" "Created that one too," I say "You can't ever be too prepared,"  I say smiling "Seonghwa" "Yes" "Remind me to always stay on your good side," Yunho says  "Why does everyone think I will someday poison them I'm not that kind of person," I say  "You're King of Evil," Hongjoong says laughing  "I can kill people that hurt you guys that's not being evil that's just called me using my powers to get rid of your stress and suffering headaches,"  I say Everyone who was around was laughing. "I love Seonghwa reposefully" "Roan what the heck" "He saw a comment on our fan page  saying that when he jokes with you it seems as if he's cheating on me with you" "Bish there are several videos of me being cheesy and flirty with everyone who isn't my kids" "Hahahha"

"Um?" "Oook he's approaching Seonghwa oooo" "What's he planning?" I turned around and looked at my husband as he held a box that was shaped like a rectangle.  "Joongie hi" "I missed my chance last year but...Happy 19 Years" "Awwwwww" "Wait they've been married for 20 years" "They were reunited back in 2017" "Awwwww" "Bish that's even cuter than the freaking wedding  anniversary" "Hahahhaha" "I'll have to give you yours" "Awwwww" "I'm just glad that when you had your amnesia thing you didn't forgot about me" "I kinda did from what you told me" "Yeah but you knew I was yours" "Hehe true" "Big Bro can I braf on your shoes?" "Jowoon noo" I opened the box and smiled happily at the necklace on a rainbow chain were my birthstone, the moon, Neptune, bow and arrows and wolf symbols like claws, pawprints, and lastly my zodiac sign which was Aires. "Hongjoong this is too pretty and nice thank you" "You're welcome I'm glad you like you wanna wear it now" "Yes can you please place it on me" It was then placed on me I smiled and kissed my husband on his lips. "Big Bro can I please braf on your shoes now" "Jowoon no" Hongjoong and I laughed "This year is going to be the 20th year" "Yeah you're right" He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Chinghae-Hyung can I please braf on your shoes ahhhhh hahhah" "Joooooo" "Hahhaha" "Get back here!"

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