Can We Call This A Normal Day For Crestmore?

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November 8, 2037, Seonghwa's View

"Seonghwa" "Okay so the one around my neck is Chinghae the one on my right arm is Matio and the one around my left is Javin so in reality Chinghae is the only magi around me while the other two are actual snakes Chinghae accident was caught into the crossfire of a duel and since it was transformation magic it was whatever animal your spirit resonates with the most so for Mingi it was a snake" "That's not what we're going to ask you but thank for telling us" Hongjoong walks towards looks at Chinghae. "Chinghae where were you when it happened?" Light Kingdom Fighting Hall. "He says Your kingdom's fighting hall" "Oh boi" "Hongjoong" "I think I know who exactly has to be brought here now and I'm going to go grab them both once they help make a reversal magic pound cake" Don't go too hard on them Dad they didn't know I was around. "James Mingi wants you to go easy on the boys since they didn't know Mingi was around" "Will do" Mom how come Great Hoen Nyerios is glaring at us? He was right Great Hoen Nyerios was glaring right at us. "Yes Sir," He says nothing Mom maybe he might be doing that thing he does you know gives though he thinks is up to no good the glare. "If I was up to no good your father would be the first person to know and if you were up to no good your father and I both would know first," I say  Hearing his laugh while he was in his snake form only made this even more funnier. "You know you if weren't my son this would've been such a funny story to tell someone,"  I say How come? "Because if you weren't my kid that would've just made you a homeless magi who find comfort in villains," I say "Ami, Crystal!" Great Hoen Yris and Hyris continued to laugh Hongjoong returned with the pound cake and in mere seconds Mingi was back in his normal form he hugged the two boys tightly and broke into tears saying that they were sorry. 

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