An Easy Going Day For My Band And Me

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October 5, 2037, Seonghwa's View 

I opened my eyes and sighed out of relief things were still stable. "Loria!" "Teni-Hyung!" I continued on I know where I had to go next. "I think it best you guys stay near the car Seonghwa seems to be handling something that very much doesn't need seven angels he cares about" I sighed and held my hand. "Park Clesian Riles Lucifer Aloria Seonghwa Main Titles Queen of The Steallruim Unvrise King of Evil, King of Fire, King of Darkness, Crimson Ghost King and lastly God of Life and Death I invoke the spell world upchangement" "Upchangement registered please type in the code" "That should do it" "Upcahangment will happen in last then 80 seconds from now" I grabbed up my bag and unlocked my tablet walked out of the scattered Greenlands typed away at my tablet. "Upcahngement 98%" "Loria!" I turned around and looked at him then saw our band. "Oh guess idol duties call" I placed my tablet into my bag and climbed into the car. "World alignment stabilized" "What was that" "Seonghwa-Hyung is on its stage with us!" "Oh Loria" "Your Highness" "Yeah" "We can delay a bit" "No it will be alright don't worry"

"I could use oh thanks I...James, what are you doing still up?" "Worried about someone I care deeply about I wanna make sure they get to sleep safely" I kissed him soflty on his lips "The door is unlocked" "Uh oh who else arrived home late?" "Let's find out" "And get cursed out" "Get out of my way you wimps" "Chinghae!" The door opened Mingi walked through the bag behind his bag. "Chinghae that was brutal" "Wimps see I didn't get cursed out" "You're their kid Mingi they're going to let you slide" "Wanna found out if that's true or not" Mingi appears into view and then looks. "Mom you just got back too" "Mhm" "Even Teni-Hyung" "No wonder we didn't get lectured" "Oh I outta," Hongjoong says "But I refining from it you all should've told me where you guys were heading what I have told you guys about late night things" "To always make sure to tell you or Teni-Hyung" "So do it next time now get some rest our day is apparently starting at 4 am"  

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