Time To Hunt Down Some Band People

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September 7, 2037, Seonghwa's View

"Mom!" The guy goes down I walked towards everyone untied them and snapped my fingers and watched as they vanished. "Move in and kill anyone you see," I tell them "Your family just appeared at our base Boss" "Perfect alright you guys let's scrape out this place" "Free...Queen Juila?" "Hello there," I say "Who got captured?" They asked  "My family" "I see so you took action right away" "Indeed" "Some of them were magic so they're getting interrogated by my superior you guys will have to interrogate the nonmagical people" "Understood" "This place is going to be burned down soon there is more of them but this was the main facility so whatever you guys need to grab you can" "I see and since you're The Magi Police Cheif you have to take whatever you can too," They say "Yes that is true but this is on your guys ground, therefore, you guys the higher rights than I," I say  "No we don't we're not higher than our ruler," One of the male officers says The car was loaded up we headed towards our base I pulled out my tablet and looked through the data sighed. "I think there is maybe a way I can trace them out" "Oh?" "But I think I would need my base for that" "We're about 20 minutes away now" As soon as we arrived I opened the doors some of them bowed or saluted. "Mom!" "Teni-Hyung, Teni!" "Loria your arm" I looked at it the cut wasn't deep but it was something to worry about. "Can you please bandage me, Hon?" "Of course I can"

"Can you guys pull up the world map the entire one" "Sure what happened back there?" "There's more of them and I wanna place an end to them before they do harm to innocent people or worse somehow find a way to D.C." I say  "Darn it I'm locked out" "Uh oh" "Oh sorry right that here you go Loria" I looked at my husband he placed a hello kitty lanyard around me I looked at what was in the id slot it was the world license" "Oh?"  I looked at the lanyard and then looked at my husband. "So apparently when you and I became rulers we're supposed to be given this by someone who worked for the president that was stationed in Korea" "Ahhhh so they just now found the lanyards" "Yeah if things are blocked only yours or my id would easily unlock it," Hongjoong tells me "Cool" I placed my id on the scanner and the world map was unlocked. "Their full name it's Fantiy Roaders" "Gotcha" "See what you can find on your side" "Oh you're talking to your husband" "No you can search too" "I'm glad you're opening up and relying on help from your loved ones," Hongjoong says "Yeah guess changing the world also changed me," I say shrugging "I wouldn't be too sure on that Teni you're still a demon whose obsessed with strawberry pocky and sushi," Yeosang tells me I laughed "I'll see what I can do you boys are welcome to stay here or follow me either you're safe," I say 

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