Meant To Be Here

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October 15, 2037, Hongjoong's View

"What's a human doing in our forest" "He looks marked" "Yeah by a demon" "Let's go" "How come?" "Because if that guy is a mate to a demon regal we'll die where we stand" "Well we can't just leave him" "He seems alright though let's go home now" I don't remember going to sleep but when I woke up I was met with blue and sliver eyes. "L-Loria" I managed to say Seonghwa touches me I kinda gluped. "Your neck my symbol is there," Seonghwa says softly "No wonder no one tried to mess with you" "I need help" "What makes you think that?" "Lucifer I was transported here,"  I say, "You think I wanted to be here I know I'm in trouble but I'm here for a reason" "You're not in trouble," Seonghwa says "Because you better be glad that I'm the one who found you" "Yeah no I know...whoa" There was an aura now around Seonghwa now it all made sense to me. "Oh gosh" "You realize it" "This is your territory" "Yep now.." "Loria I'm sure we can..oh okay" Seonghwa and I now sat on a log with two strawberry pocky and peach teas "I believe you," Seonghwa says Oh gosh his voice got even more growly and husky "I just can't leave you anymore now because if you're here then that means you're supposed to be doing something and it means that tonight seems to be the only time you can do it" "You think I'm supposed to fulfill a prophecy" "Heh yeah prophecy my ass I'm the ruler of this land" "WHy are you angry?" "Because for once I don't have an answer for you Honie" Seonghwa held onto his tea and sighed. "And it bothers me quite a lot that I don't have now for you" "Loria" "I know I shouldn't...Joongie?" I now touched at his right cheek with my free hand and smiled once he relaxed. "You're the ruler of this forest" "Yeah" "And I'm husband" "Oh my gosh Joongie!" "It makes sense right" "Loria!" Nothing the trees and other bushes rustled then Seonghwa appeared.

"Do I have whoah whoah Loria strange liquid is not a good thing oh I get it now a unity drink oh gosh" I say drinking the valsk "Man this is worse than human medicine" "Tell me why I was going to say the same thing"  "My gosh you and I are indeed friends forever"  I say laughing "And lovers" "Yeah" "Seonghwa I'm not going to turn into anything right?" I say looking at him  "Nope the unity toxic is a power transfer some of the energy I use to oversee this forest is now flowing within you" Seonghwa says  "So back to chilling" "Yeah" "But why now?" "Tonight must've been the final date," Seonghwa says "As in the last night before you appear before a group of hooded people that forcibly give you the powers" "Oh gosh" "Yeah" I held onto Seonghwa who laughed. "Joongie you're safe now" "Hell no I'm not taking my chances" "Hahaha you're too funny Joongie trust me please I'm here" "Great Leaders please use one of the levels tents up the road" I broke the kiss laughing so was Seonghwa "It just a kiss" "It could've gone deeper" "Go back to being yourself you silly beings" 

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