Don't Ever Doubt Parents And Their Motives

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Same timeframe as the previous chapter Mingi or Chinghae's View

"Sorry about this," Dad says We all looked confused. "Not to worry this is quite the major dilemma we face as a kingdom you were also only doing what you can by seeking help from your wife" "What should we do or is there any way we can give your superior some sort of peace" We looked back and forth between my Mom and Dad concerned. "I can see what I can do in the medical archives of my kingdom" "What" "I have an idea," Mom says "What if there was a possible way to just erase the memories of all bad in his system? What if there is a way to eliminate one's dark side? What...What if we can restart one's magic? Mainly my idea is that if we can earse either the dark magic that might be in his body or we earse all evil in his heart and earse any negative or evil thoughts in his mind" "What if it's the dark magic" "If that were the case Hongjoong that would be my kingdom would have to erase all his negative thoughts, memories of being villainous, get rid of his dark side, and laslty extract all the dark magic out of his body" "Oh gosh" "That is an if Honie now I will need something of you go to where your kingdom have him detained at have your strongest magic onceler place Kalipes in the circle of truth and if any sort of dark magic is detected then everything I just said 5 minutes ago will be frocley happened" "Undertsood Loria" "Honie" "Yeah" "You know you're not bad right" Mom says softly  "I know" Dad says "So don't think you are bad you're just a king who needed a way to prevent one person from becoming an even bigger problem to not only your kingdom but also your world as a whole" Mom says soflty "I wish you were my regal adviser Lucie" Dad says "I wish the same here the quote about saying family will always be your answer key really is true come here handshake time" It ened they laughed smiled. "Things will work out Hongjoong," Mom says softly  "Thank you Seonghwa I shall take my leave now" The door closed after Dad.

 "Sorry for my language but what the fuck are you telling me there is someone scarier than Mom out there?" "No," Mom says "Your father is stressed because he wasn't quite sure to handle the person he arrested they were from his kingdom and well what they've done very bad but no villain level bad it's jail time for life bad" "Oh gosh" "Your father came to me because he found a solution but once I had looked at the person's file I was conflicted myssef because the said person is related to someone in my kingdom and with hem being my superior they hopped I can find a way to keep her sibling alive and give him a fresh start but once your father returns back with relsuts of dark magic in said guy's body I will have no choice as King of Evil to remove any bad in his body including his dark side" "Oh whoa Mom" "Your father deosn't belive he's a good person" "But he is though" "He belive that what he's doing is making him seem like he's like me" "Oh whoah yeah no I can see why no offense I'm just saying that Dad even though he's protecting everyone the method of handling the person seems villain level" "Yes" "I didn't know you and dad's job as King and Queen was like this" "You didn't know because Hongjoong and I do everything we can to keep our kids away dangers like that" "But mom I..." "You're getting taught by me because there is people in the darkness kingdom that will try to take advantage of you being one of the heirs to hell, but also your magic level as well" "Oh gosh" "Now I defintely understand why Dad always told me don't ever second guess what parents do to protect their kids" Jowoon tells me "Dude not just Dad Mom has told me that as well" "Oh gosh Big Bro that means we..." "Yeah have been judging our parents choices let's not ever do that slibings promise" "Silbing promise" Jowoon and I pinky swear with both of our pinkies.

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