Yep Even More Is Probably Going To Appear

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Super Short Chapter But The Timeline is June 26, 2037, Hongjoong's View

"I don't he..." My words were cut off as I was kissed I broke the kiss confused out of my mind. Seonghwa yes you heard me right my wife stood there before me. "You still have him you dumb music nerd but my gosh did you cause quite the stir for The Great Hoens I'll have to tell you later on though enjoy your time with your friends because I know I will have you tonight" "Is that a promise hey Loria and there he goes" "Hongjoong that guy is too pretty to be a guy" "Hahaha I know right" I came to the dorms Seonghwa wasn't there waiting I know where he is. The supernatural love palace he owns. "I was...." I didn't let him finish for our night of toying with each other was upon us. The clock strikes 4:45 am Seonghwa woke up and looked around confused. "Hey, you" "What happened" "You and I did the naughty" "As in you entered me?" "Yeah but also we did naughty things to each other" "We're either looking at one, twins, or triplets" "Go back to sleep it's only about 5 am" "I have to pee that's why I woke up"

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