interview #2 Series promotion @samanthacassidy92, The Vanessa Solomon Series

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1 What is the title of your series? 

The Vanessa Solomon series

2 What inspired the idea of your series? 

I'm a dreamer. I believe I've slept twice my entire life and didn't dream, and it was during surgeries. My mind never stops. A story idea came to me in a dream and I tweaked it into this series. 

3 How many books are in your series?


 4 Is it the only series on your profile?


 5 What do you desire readers take away from your series? 

A getaway to an exciting love adventure and empowerment. 

6 is your series complete or ongoing? 


7 What are your future plans for your series?

 None that I can share. 

8 What would be a good piece of advice for someone who desires beginning to write a series? 

Just start it. Don't overthink it. Just start writing and it'll come together. 

9 Do you prefer writing a series over a standalone novel?


10 Who is your main character? Are there any similarities between you and your main character? 

Vanessa Solomon. We share the same adventurous side, but I believe most women have that. 

11 What does your character go through in the series?

Practically hell with the 2 strongest demons to walk the Earth. And did I mention they're brothers? 

 12 What does having readers for any of your stories mean to you? 

My favorite thing to do is read comments. I absolutely love seeing how invested people are into my books. 

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1 What type of stories do you like to read?

Anita Blake series and Sookie Stackhouse series. (Was not a fan of true blood)

2 What type of music do you like to listen to?

Metal, alternative, rap, pop. Anything but country. Fun fact, I was a scene queen in high school and shopped at Hot Topic. 

3 What is one of your favorite stories that you've read on Wattpad?

The Vampire's Pet

4 What do you believe is better for a story? {Quality or Quantity}


5 Are you more likely to check out an ongoing or completed story?

Doesn't matter to me. I read to escape and enjoy the journey someone else created. 

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