Question 198

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GachaClubDefender5: This question is from EmmanuelPorter & is on a certain person. *Reading  EmmanuelPorter question* I have a question! What do you guys think of Bob?

All (Y/N) version look at each other from that question.

G64 F(Y/N): *Deep breath* Bob is so much things that time I can't even stand him at all. Have his fair share of not being too much of an a--hole. To me on a fair level I say he mid. Reason of that is one time when he was dared to slap my a-- hard & oh boy the moment he did that to me. Even though I'm always a sweet & loving Gal to my loved one. *Threaten look with dreadful tone* If those that did weird & shameful thing on me, it brings out my Enrage & heartless side out of me. Believe me, there so much a sweet Gal like myself can have it limit for thing like that & I give Bob h-ll for doing that. *Blush & giggle cutely* I'm SMG4 Girlfriend, only he do that to me when that heated time come~. 

G40 (Y/N): Well, when thinking about Bob. I think of an a--hole, annoy, self center & very stupid. But time I can give him some decent slack from FINALLY learning some sort of lesson & not as he was before. But when he talks about any Gal "front" & want to smash them. Believe me, he says that to me on wanting to smash a Hot Gal with Dragon trait. Yeah, b--ch slap him out of the kingdom. 

DMG50 F(Y/N): *Sigh* Bob can be a wild cards & be unpredictable when dragging many of us to his problem or plan that he do. Sure, it not too selfish, but it only his IQ isn't as small as he f--king ego. 

DMG10 F(Y/N): *-_-* Why I don't really think much of Bob beside him being a between friend & acquaintance. Number of times I have to watch my brother, Mario around Bob. 

G35 (Y/N): *Sigh* Can't really stand Bob. Not even drawn to Bob "awesomeness" for me to fall in love with. He's NOT my type that for sure & I found him annoy time again. 

DW F(Y/N): *-_-* I make sure my adopted children don't follow Bob way of stupidity. I get more protection & concern when their around Bob. 

DMG25 F(Y/N): *Sigh* I feel the same as well on Bob. He still there when he come to crazy ideas or illegal thing that is concern. I'll keep my babies protection from all that with my own hand.

-Words Result: 455-

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