Question 208

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GachaClubDefender5: This question is from Izhad2005! *Reading question* What is it like when you suddenly experienced a near death event. For example, you are critically injured or bleeding out and you felt your vision suddenly turning black. What were your thoughts in that moment? Remembering all the good memories you have or wish to make more? Or something else?

Boom Yang: *O_o* Okay... I know this is a QNA Book to ask question & all but why type of question that have to do with any near death or close call experience that nearly end life instead of getting to know us & learn about our life. Feel like I'm being asked to so therapy & take about feeling. Dear lord I love & care about Daughter but Expressing Meeting make me want to just fall to sleep & feel my time being wasted. 

Boom Ruby: *-_-* Sis, you really thinking too hard on this. Answer this even though with the war & thing that happen, NO none of us didn't suffer this near death event in a Fourth wall way of Boom Gachaverse still being in a fresh state. 

Boom Blake: Yeah, I may have loss my arm but I pass out after a few second so I CAN'T really say how the experience way in slow motion from how fast it happen. 

Boom Weiss: Yeah, we DIDN'T come across that in our life & not even for the other. 

Boom Yang: To be fair... Yeah, I can't think of any since even we CAN'T be in every single moment when that happen. 

-Words Result: 289-

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