Question 203

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GachaClubDefender5: We got a question from SapphireDraken173 & is ask by RWBY Sapphire!

-RWBY Sapphire Question-

What is something/someone that made a big impact in your life?

-Question end-

Boom Ruby: Hmm.... Honestly, my mother made a bigger impact to me & Yang life. A Super Mom that care so much about our family & raise me, Yang & our Little Sister, SRJ while helping our Dad through tough time after Yang Real Mother left him & Yang after she was born. The soft mother feeling my mom show all around made many impacts when I was growing up & even help her former crush David & his twin sister after the tragic life of their family struggle & help them bright the light into their right path even if it lead to their new promise & still have trust issue. My mother is the example of between mother, pure heart & kindness. While also carry that sweet cool sassy gal trait. 

Boom Weiss: That question is no doubt I KNOW what made an impact of my life. That would be the Dasher Family taking me in along with my Little Brother Wally, Winter & our mother with everything they done to support & love us as their own family member after my father show his TRUE Color. My life CHANGE so much since that day & made more impact in my life then my brother, Machito chili dog after chili dog. I was technically RAISE by my father in law Jack & my 2 mother in law, Leone & Lucinda along with my Real Mother by my side while slowly gathering detail that can be use for my father action & stop him which took so much year. My mother was in a secret Partership Relationship with Jack, Leone & Lucinda from the support & love they gave my mother which gave her so much strength & will to put up with my father & after showing the evidence of what my father been doing & take back our family name & wasn't long until the war took my father life. Dasher Family made so much impact in my life & our family is much bigger now with my mother now marry to our Head Maid Bianca & STAYING in her Partnership Relationship & my life was NEVER alone because of that.

Boom Blake: To me on the biggest impact of my life is something happened to me in the past. *Show my Cyborg Arm* Yes, it when I lost my arm to my monster ex boyfriend of mine from protecting my partner Yang. I nearly died protecting Yang & if the other didn't made it in time no telling what would have happen between me & Yang. Losing my arm change me forever but both in a good & bad way from nearly give in to my fear from thinking if Yang was badly having to lose an arm but good as the same time that I face my fear to NOT runaway anymore & protect what dear to me from Yang being one of my close friends & didn't leave everyone. This only made me stronger in my recovery with my loved one support of mt friend, family & my Partner Yang. The time I spend with them CHANGE me so much & seeing more of the hope for both Human & Faunas to live together in equally & help me see that it possible to make this happen & grown more stronger with even Max help from learning a few new tricks from him. But also grown serious & more wiser to those that ever need to talk to & guide them to listen to them. In a way, I have more of a wise open minded for many people. 

Boom Yang: *Smile* Well, to me my life made so much impact is no doubt also my mother Summer as well. It just as Ruby say about our Super Mom. How can I not be this thankful for Summer for treating me as her own daughter since I was a baby. My real mother abandons me after she gave birth & left our family all together to choose her Tribe over the family that she made with my father. Having to learn the truth about my real mother was tough honestly, but Summer always been a TRUE mother to me that raise me & love me as her own & gift me with 2 Little Sister plus I always found Summer sassy side to be very fun & beautiful but then again, Summer is ALWAYS beautiful & I always wanted to be like her in beauty either on Beautiful or Hot. And I am who am I thank to Summer & I grown to have many friends around me that I'm very close to & I never felt any abandonment feeling with my Super Mom & our family by my side. I couldn't ask for anything better & I'm very thankful for Summer making so much impact on my life. You rock Super Mom!

-Words Result: 868-

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