Best friends

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Billie's POV

"Fuck.." I breathe out looking down at my soaked shorts and standing in a puddle. I was at my friend's Y/N's house. I had slept over, she doesn't know but I love holding my piss until I'm bursting to go. This is humiliating having an accident at someone else's house let alone your best friend. It's been a few minutes, I couldn't hide this, I reeked of urine. I looked through the cabinets under the sink, found some paper towels. Used it to clean up the small puddle on the floor and tried drying my shorts off with it. "Bils? You alright in there?" Y/N knocks on the door. "Yeah! I'll be out soon." "Okay just making sure you're alright." "Thanks, I'm fine." I didn't know what to do. I could call Finneas to pick me up but y/n would still see me like this. I don't want anyone to see me like this. Why did I hold it here?? I regretted my life choices within the past 24 hours. A few minutes pass by, a knock again. "Billie you sure you're okay?" I didn't know what to say. I didn't want y/n to see me like this. "Bils?!" She sounded worried. "Y-yeah?" "Okay good, you had me worried, are you having stomach issues?" "N-no. Um do you have extra clothes I could borrow?" "Yeah of course! Did you start your period?" "Y-yeah!" "No worries Bil, just leave your soiled clothes out the door and I can throw it in the wash." "NO! I mean It's okay you don't have to do that." " it's fine, I was about to wash my clothes anyway. A little blood doesn't bother me." She laughs. "Well I'll find you some underwear and shorts, I'll leave it right by the door. "Okay thanks!" I didn't know how I was going to avoid this. Maybe I just had to come clean. What would y/n think of me? I started to feel anxious. Did not plan on telling y/n any time soon or at all. A few minutes later another knock, "alright got you some extra clothes waiting for you outside the door." "Thanks y/n!" I wait awhile and quickly open the door to grab the extra clothes and shutting it quickly. I change out of my wet clothes and into the clean ones. I worried what y/n would think of me. Another knock. "You good in there? I have extra pads under the sink." "Okay thank you!" I already had changed and cleaned myself up. "Bils, you don't have to be embarrassed." I didn't say anything. "C'mon out, you know I would never judge you. I'm sorry if I was being pushy about washing your clothes. I can take you home if you want." I felt bad. Y/N didn't do anything wrong. I took a deep breath and slowly walked to the door, unlocking it. Opening it slowly peeking my head out to see Y/N, looking sad sitting on the bed. "Billie!? Hey, I'm sorry." "No y/n you didn't do anything wrong." "Are you sure?" " yes, it's just I um have this issue.." "What do you mean? And why won't you come out of there?" "I um.." Y/N walks over to me looking worriedly. "Are you sure you're okay? I care about you Bils." I nod. Y/N pushes open the door, i couldn't stop her. I take a few steps back letting her in. She looks at me and then around. "Hey what's wrong?" She grabs my hand. "Um n-nothing!" "Okay well do you want a bag to put your clothes in or I can still wash them?" "Y-you can wash them." I manage to say. Handing over my crumpled up shorts and underwear. It was slightly damp. Y/N took notice of it but didn't say anything. She just walks out with my soiled clothes to do laundry. My heart N's mind was racing, I couldn't tell what she was thinking of me. Did she catch on? I took a deep breath out. I went on my phone laying down on the bed trying to get my mind off of it.
"Um Billie?" I jump hearing her voice. I look over and shes walking over to the bed. "Sorry if I scared you." "It's okay.." She smiles and lays down next to me. It was quiet and awkward. "Hey so Billie I know what happened and it doesn't bother me at all." My eyes went wide. "It's okay sometimes people have accidents...especially if you've been holding for awhile." I gulp. Her voice getting deeper. I feel her move closer to me her breath on my neck. "I know you liked it." I look over to Y/N who had lust in her eyes. "H-how do you know??" "Please, you didn't use the bathroom since dinner last night til a few hours after breakfast. I saw you squirming in your seat as your ate your cereal...what a bad girl." I couldn't help to whimper. She chuckles. "Knew it." I bite my lip feeling heat rush down between my legs. "Pretty girl." She moves the hair out of my face. "You like holding it hmm?" I nod. "Answer me." "Y-yes." I felt my cheeks heat up. "Aww don't be embarrassed." She caresses my cheek. "Don't think I couldn't smell your arousal on your underwear either...Can I kiss you?" I nod. We lock lips. I couldn't help to moan in the kiss. We had been best friends since kids. I always felt like there was something more. Y/N crawls on top of me then breaking the kiss catching her breath. "Damn..I always wanted to do that." "Same." We both chuckle. "So what now?" I ask. She shrugs, "we could have some fun." She says while rubbing my thigh then looking up at me smirking. "Okay y-yeah." "Good. Now let's get these off." Y/N pulls down my shorts along with my underwear leaving me exposed. I immediately felt embarrassed. "Hey baby, no don't cover yourself, you're beautiful." She slowly takes my hand away and moves where I needed her the most. Putting my legs up and spread. "You're so wet.." She dips a finger into my arousal and sucks on it. "Mhmm you taste good." "Please y/n I need you!!" "What do you want me to do?" "I don't know just something!!" I couldn't take it anymore with the teasing. All of a sudden I feel her lick a strong stripe. "Oh my fu-!" "Shhh babe you let me know if it gets too much." "It's not it's- ahh oh my god!" I scream out feeling her sucking on my clit. "I-I need more!" "Patience love." "Ugh god.." I throw my head back. She stops a little while and begins eating me out. "Holy shit!" I grab the sheets feeling the most pleasure I've had. Y/N really knew all of the right places. I mean she is an experienced lesbian so I shouldn't be shocked but damn. I could feel myself getting close. "Hold it baby, not until I say." I nod fast. A mess of moans escaped my lips. "That's it baby, you're doing so good for me." A few more licks and she lets me cum. I arch my back "ughh oh my god!" "Good job baby." She comes up to my lips and kissing me making me taste myself. I pull away trying to catch my breath. "You okay?" She chuckles. "Y-yeah just wow that's the best sex I've ever had." "Well maybe because you've only been with guys that don't know how to please women." I bite my lip feeling turned on again. "You're cute." Y/N says. "C-can I try something on you?" I softly say. "Oh? And what is it?" "Um I um.." "It's okay Billie, no judgement here. Tell me." "Well um could I um see your boobs?" "My boobs? What boobs?" She laughs. "Nah for real though? Mine are small compared to yours." "I thought you said you weren't gonna judge me.." "I'm sorry baby, just no one has asked me that before, sure you can see them." She gets up and takes off her shirt, no bra. "I wanna see yours now." She smirks. "Oh..okay.." She senses my nervousness and helps me take off my shirt and unhooked my bra. Letting my boobs fall out. "Damn.." She stared at them. "Eyes up here y/n." "I'm sorry but wow." I slowly move over to her "can I suck on them?" I ask. "Of course." I latch my mouth on her nipple sucking and licking. "Oh fuck..." Y/N breathes out in pleasure. Giving me a confidence that I was doing it right. I moved to the other one giving it attention. I left a couple of marks around and a hickey. "Did you just mark me?" "Sorry.." "hey no, I liked it.. can I touch yours?" I nod. She gropes them into her hands squeezing them. "I've wanted to do this for so long." I can't help to giggle. "So perfect." She caresses them then starts sucking and nipping all around them. Probably leaving marks too. "Mhmm thank you." She says. "No thank you for not judging me, I know it's weird." "It's not weird, just everyone has different kinks, that's okay. It doesn't bother me."

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