Try it out

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"Billie can you just pull over on the side??" I beg my best friend for the hundredth time. "Y/N we're almost there." "Oh shit." I breathe out. "What?" Billie quickly looks over to me. "Uh nothing." "Are you sure?" "I just really need to go." "I'm driving as fast as I can." "Bils I'm literally gonna piss in your car if you don't pull over soon." She laughs. "I'm serious! It's bad!" I can't help to grab my crotch. I see her smirking in the corner of my eye. "It's not funny!" She bites her lip smirking while looking straight ahead. "Please Bils please?" "Look we have like 5 minutes til we get to my place, just think of something else." "I'm gonna piss soon." "Of course you will." She says sarcastically. "I mean I already leaked a little.. sorry about that.." I look down feeling my cheeks heat up. There was no answer. I couldn't tell if she was mad or not. "Bils I'm sorry, I'll help you clean it."

She pulls into a random parking lot. "Finally!" "Wait." She grabs my thigh aggressively. I jumped. "Bils I'm really sorry, I just really need to go." "I can tell." She smirks. Was this some kind of game to her? I try to open the car door but she stops me. "Billie!!!" I whine. "Here let me help you y/n." "H-how?" "Just trust me okay?" I nod. "Good. Very good." She whispers sending chills down my spine. She snakes her hand down to my bladder lightly pressing on it. "What are you- "shhh quiet." She pushes harder. I squeeze my legs together. "Bils, stop I'm gonna burst." "That's the point." "I don't wanna ruin your car." "It's okay baby." She caresses my cheek. I can't help to blush at the nickname. Billie has called me this before, but the tone in her voice was different. "You must be bursting to go hmm?" She rubs my thighs. "Y-yeah." "You're so hot when you're desperate." I felt heat rush down. She presses my bladder again. "Oh my god Bils, I'm gonna piss." "Let it go." I shake my head while squeezing my legs together. "Let it go baby." She whispers in my ear pressing harder. "fuck!" I scream. Feeling my jeans become wet and warm. I couldn't stop it. "Mhmm keep going." I open my eyes seeing Billie watching. "Bils I am so sorry!" "Hey don't apologize baby." "But I just peed all over??" She chuckles. "It was hot watching you.. don't worry about it okay?" "Oh okay." I still didn't know how to feel. I felt embarrassed for one but also I liked that Billie watched. What is wrong with me?! She's your best friend, I think to myself. She starts the car up and begins driving.

We get to her place. "Here tie this around your waist til you get through the door. Don't want nosy neighbors to see hmm?" "N-no." I tie a black hoodie around and follow her out the car and into her house. "Billie I am so s- "Shh you talk to much." So can I borrow some clothes to change?" She walks over to me, full of lust in her eyes. She caresses my cheek. "You're so pretty Y/N. Tell me if you want to stop.." She leans in. My heart beats fast. I didn't want to stop but I didn't want to get too attached. Fuck it. I lean in pressing my lips to hers. Running my fingers through her hair. "Mhmm." She moans in the kiss. We pull away when we both needed air. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." She breathes out. "M-me too." She smiles. "I'm sorry if I came on too strong." "No no Bils, you didn't I was just a little caught off guard is all." She looks down smirking. I realize I have a huge wet spot on my jeans running down my legs. "Oh my god, Im sorry!" "Don't apologize baby, it's okay. I promise." "So you're not mad?" "Of course not, I love seeing you like this." She puts her hand on my thigh. I can't help to feel flustered. She giggles. "May I?" She reaches for the button of my jeans. I nod. She slowly unbuttons and unzips my jeans. I helped her take them off. "Cute." She smirks looking down. I couldn't help to feel embarrassed, I wore my old white underwear. "Can I?" She puts her fingers under the waistband, wanting to pull them down. I got nervous all of a sudden. She read that. "I'm sorry, I'll stop." She quickly takes her hands away. "No I mean I just don't like others seeing my body.." "Y/N you're stunning, you don't need to be afraid of me, I'll never judge you." "I know, I'm sorry but I don't know if I can do this yet." "It's okay Y/N, I totally understand if I was pressuring you into this... I'll find you some clothes to wear." She quickly gets up and dashes to her room. I slowly get up looking down where I sat and great I ruined her couch too... I try my best to clean it up. Billie was taking awhile so I decide to check up on her. "Bils?" I knock on her door. No answer. Was she upset? "Billie??" No answer. I slowly open the door seeing that she's in the bathroom. Seeing light cracked under the bathroom door. "Billie? You okay?" "Oh! Yeah I'm fine, I just had to take care of some things." "Are you okay?" "Y-Yeah y/n. Um I laid out a couple of shorts and pants on my bed, and don't worry I haven't worn the underwear." "Thanks Bils." I look over on her bed. I picked up a pair of black shorts and changed. I felt so much better. "Billie, you okay in there I'm getting worried." "...Y-yeah I'm fine y/n." "Okay well are you almost done in there?" I hear her trying to catch her breath." "I'll be out in a sec!" I look at the door knob thinking if I should open it. "Bils, don't act like I don't know what you're doing in there." "Are you sure you know?" "I'm 99% positive." "Why don't you come and see for yourself?" I slowly open the door. Seeing Billie spread eagle on the floor against the wall. Holding a dildo trying to catch her breath. I try not to look at her but damn. "You can look y/n." She giggles. "Such a naughty girl." I walk over to her. "Pleasuring yourself thinking I wouldn't notice." She whimpers while moving her legs. "P-please?" "What do you want?" "Y-you." She bites her lip. "Be more specific." "I just want you, this isn't doing it for me." She tosses the dildo to the side. It's covered in her juices. "Are you sure about that?" I pick it up admiring the toy. Feeling her juices on it. "Please! please stop teasing!" "You need to tell me." "Head.." " Now that wasn't so hard hmm?" She shakes her head. She spreads open her legs. "Fuck." I could feel myself getting wet. "You're beautiful Bils." She blushes. I lean in smelling her aroma. Wrapping my lips around her clit. "Oh my god fuck!" She screams out. I suck while brushing my tongue on it. "Mhmm oh my god that feels so good!" She tangles her fingers in my hair pushing me in closer. "Mhmm." I let out. "Oh my god!" Billie moans. I then lick her folds. "Mhmm oh god.." I slowly enter my tongue eating her out. "YES OH MY GOD KEEP GOING!" I tongue fuck her feeling she was close. "Let it out babe." "Mhm mm mm oh fuck!" She whines. "Mhmm you taste yummy." I look up to her seeing her head leaned back eyes closed. In full pleasure. "Eyes on me." She slowly looks down at me. Keeping eye contact as I ate her out. "I-I'm close!" "Let it out." I start licking her clit again. "Mhmm oh oh oh." She moans. I focus on making her feel good then I feel her release. I help her ride it out. She flinched at any small touch. "So sensitive." I smirk at her. "T-thank you y/n." "Of course anything to make you feel good." "So much better than this." She holds up the toy. We both laugh.

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