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Welcome to my second poetry collection! My first one, Release, has over 2 thousand reads at present and I'm so excited to share what I've been working on with you! This is my summer surprise to you, I didn't tell anyone I was writing about it until a couple weeks ago. So enjoy!


I am completely and utterly in love with the past

the classics

people like Marilyn Monroe

and Audrey Hepburn

the 70's and the 80's

classic television shows

classic movies

John Wayne and Johnny Cash

take me back to the good 'ol days

before I was born

and before the world was in turmoil

over things such as social media

and whether the government

is spying on us with

their fancy-pants technology

take me back to when our President did something amazing

not something expected

take me back to when a guitar

ruled the concert scene

with its bare wood

take me back to when the crops were high

and when the crops run dry

I'll relive the classic things again.

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