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"Oh god, why am I here?"

Here- Alessia Cara


she wonders "just what the hell am I doing here?"

she's surrounded by people

faker than plastic knock-off Barbies at the dollar store

because honestly? who are these people?

take out the fake emotion and what are you left with?

little girls talking about disorders they don't have

people claiming to become religious even though

they haven't repented for their sins

they're continuing to sin

and picking on  people

who've tried to help them from the beginning

but they're stubborn and won't take help from anyone

including the man who cared for you the most

the man who himself became a reborn Christian

(and a damn good one)

even though he's sinned his whole life

he's made up for it

and he's making the world better

while you?

you're just sitting here

lamenting in your own sorrows

and not doing a damn thing

to solve what's bothering you

please stop writing

about what isn't true

and stop viewing the world

so negatively

just sit back and think

that you have a reason to be


Classicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें