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Original title: Unidentified Teenage Male don't know where I was going with that. XD


don't you ever wear a shirt like that again

because being able to see your toned abs

ruins the fact that I'm probably friendzoned, level 40

don't you ever

tell me that you love me

because I'll take it as truth

rather than the lie you know

and "I love you" is

don't you ever

say something sexual to me

because I'll joke back

but you'll believe I'm serious

don't you ever

serenade me

because I'll either blush

or give you a really pissed off look

don't you ever

stop talking

because I love your voice

and it's too attractive to waste

don't you ever

stop joking with me

and making me blush

because I want to savor it forever

don't you ever tell me that you don't love me

even though I know you do

because it'll just make me mad

and ruin our relationship

don't you ever lie to me

I prefer a harsh truth

over a blatant lie

it suits me better

don't you ever leave me

without someone to cuddle

because if you do

I won't sleep

but most of all

don't leave me all by lonesome.

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