In My Head

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In my head

You're dancing with her
and your heart is in her hand
and her hand rests on your shoulder
and her lips are on yours

In my head

Your lips aren't on mine
and your hand doesn't rest on the curve of my hips
and your heart isn't mine, any longer
we don't dance in sync with the music

In my head

You're kissing her with a passion I've never felt before
a passion I've longed for, but never received
because you probably love her more than me
oh fuck you, jealousy

In my head

It hurts me that you're not mine
and that she can have you, but I can't
because our timing was off
but what makes her timing with you on?

In my head

You're taking off her dress
the one with the sunflowers
the one I'm too fucked up to wear
the one that fits her like a glove, and fits me like a test tube

In my head

Your eyes stare greedily at her perfect figure
forgetting my imperfections, my curves and edges
how my rib juts out a little under my chest
but my curves line up perfectly with your hand

In my head

You tell her she's beautiful every day
every time you see her
and forget about the dandelion
when she's a rose

In my head

I'm haunted by the thought of you and her
I thought I knew you better than that
I thought you were mine
I thought you loved me

In my head

I replay your words
and I remember that I know something she doesn't
but unlike her who hurt me, I wouldn't hurt her
because I'm trying my best to be the better woman

In my head

I don't know why you loved me, or why you still do
but I love you, and I know why
so maybe I'll let her have her piece of the pie
as long as you come back to me, sometimes

In my head.

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