Leave Me Wild

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"Love her but leave her wild."

- Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird


I'm a wild child

I am reckless

I am free

I am a fighter

I am a lover

I am one of a kind

leave me wild

I have the world at my fingertips

and I will hold it

as long as I can

for life is short

my life will be short

and in that short amount of time

I will see the world

and hold it in the palm of my hands

either smashing it

or making it beautiful

because the world is a little crazy

and I am too

let me go

be free

the world

is at your fingertips, my dear

you are the world to me

I want you to have the world

and be wild

like me

unfortunately, you can't be wild with me

because the situation does not allow

all I will say

is that I will see you in the future

I will shake your hand and give you a hug

because you helped to shape me as a person

and I love you.

Love me but leave me wild.

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