The World Is Full of Cheats and Liars

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Little baby's become a poet

and don't you understand?

that none of us ever wanted you to grow up?

that none of us ever wanted you to change?

Understand, I'm directly in-between

a child and an adult, so I know how it feels like to be in the middle

but you're not even in the middle yet.

You're still a child, and you may think that I am too

but I am not.

I am a young woman, trying to be herself in this goddamn world.

You are just a child, and no, that's not a bad thing.

I wish I was still a child.

I was barely a child.

I grew up fast, and I grew up mean.

Because, I've always been treated as an adult, I've always acted like an adult.

But you, are still a child, and god, I want you to stay one.

Don't ever grow up, if you have the choice, don't ever fucking grow up.

Because the world is a shithole full of cheats and liars,

and I may have fueled your fire,

but, you know, hate me now if you'd like.

But learn from me later.

You'll learn someday, little baby, that I did have a point to prove to you.

And you will grow up to become better than I ever was.

If you'd like to believe what he says about me being vain, so be it.

But don't believe what the world says,

because the world is full of liars and con men

hidden amongst the kindness and integrity.

Learn to tell the difference

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