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The world works in mysterious ways

what really is life?

what happens when you die?

is there another side?

do we come back to life?

is there really a God?

is there heaven and hell?

mommy, why did grandpa die?

and why do I see him in that chair at night?

daddy, why did sissy leave?

didn't she love me?

baby, why'd you have to go?

don't you know I love you so?

There's so many unanswered questions

and unanswered prayers

and unbreakable steel breaks with enough force

unsinkable ships sink

the impossible seems only impossible until we make it possible

and the possibilities, the probability, our chances seem slim

we'll never make it to thirty, the way we're going

but we made it to five, ten, fifteen, twenty, years after years after years

so I think we might just make it, me and you

if we push through

because you can't feel happiness without sadness

love without hurt

comfort without pain

so, let's just see what tomorrow may bring

because tomorrow may just be the turning point

rather than the breaking point

and I love you

I'll think we'll make it through.

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