Gray (Grey)

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There is a unseen difference between gray and grey. Here's how I see it. Make sure when you read that you pay attention to which I'm talking about, because otherwise this'll all just be one shade of gray or grey.


My world turns a gray color in my nightmare

varying shades of gray

haunting, chilling

gray is a deadly color in my world

gray is the edge of the cliff I stood on

gray is the rooftop he stood on

gray is my world, sorrowful

my nightmare with all of its grayed color

haunting, chilling

my father dies of cancer

my mother kills herself with a pill

and you, I don't want to retell the story

of your gray death

there's no color in your eyes

only gray

haunting, chilling

I hate the color gray.

I wake up from my gray nightmare

with a scream and a shout

because my room is pure gray

the window lets in a hot breeze

(the breath of demons, I think)

spinning my fan around

haunting, chilling

my door creaks, then slams

as I fall back asleep

so I wake up again

screaming and crying

only to see that the world outside is grey

not gray, grey

I love the color grey.

Grey is darker and nicer

and grey is the name of a man I think I love

because his soul is grey, not gray

dark, but hopeful

gray is a lonely color

but grey can be used with any color

in a sketch of a girl with teal hair

grey can be an excellent companion

I like sketches

dark, but hopeful

grey is a color with multiple shades

and you can constantly change

because, it never stays the same

the only problem with grey

is that if you don't shade in your sketch hard enough

the grey fades away

dark, but hopeful

so I drew with a grey pencil

and colored outside the lines

because grey had no barrier

and I noticed

I drew a window


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