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happiness is
driving a big old truck
down the highway
and speeding
going 80 when I should be going 65
with a blue snow cone in my hand
and people stop and stare
I smile and wave

happiness is
waking up
and being half asleep
as I read your good morning text
and I smile
and I stay happy for the day
because you always make me smile

happiness is
the smell of rain on sagebrush
the scent of fresh cut hay
the aroma of a mint crop
and a breeze
running through an open window
as you speed
down the road
pass countless fields

happiness is
a warm cup of tea
when your stomach is in pain
and reading in bed all day
book after book after book
and crying at the endings
because you're a bit emotional these days
but you smile through it
because there's more books to read
and more to life

happiness is
watching John Wayne movies
with the people you love
and being cuddled under a protective arm
and slowly dozing off
and falling asleep
but being woke by the man beside you
because "this is the good part"
through the guns a blazing
and the deaths of many
a hero stands
and the movie's over
but it was a damn good movie

happiness is
retelling stories
about dogs and travel
and life and fairytales
different memories
spun into stories
that I enjoy telling you
because they make you smile
and I love to see you smile

happiness is
laughing until I cry
arguing until there's no point left
smiling through tears
because everything's gonna be alright
if not today, then tomorrow

happiness is
little words that no one understands
like jellyfish
or red
and inside jokes
about Finding Nemo
and "Take it!"
and stupidity
turns into love
right then

happiness is
having a conversation
in the middle of the day
that makes me blush
and makes you
have to take a cold shower
before the pizza boy arrives

happiness is

whatever you make it out to be

and it's the small little moments

that make me happy.

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